Batman – The Animated Series has been one of the most popular animated shows produced by Warner Bros. and DC Comics. It has created a loyal fan base for not only the Caped Crusader, but also Warners Bros. Fans have loved it ever since, and new generation superhero fans are also full of praise for the show. One of the most essential parts of the show gaining such popularity is the voice artist of Batman – Kevin Conroy.
Kevin Conroy gave his voice to the character of Batman for several years. His voice has been immortalized through Batman, and eople cannot think of any other person providing a voice to the character. Apart from doing shows, he also voiced Batman during the Arkham Trilogy Game. But Kevin Conroy was annoyed while working for the Arkham Trilogy.
Kevin Conroy Hated Recording For the Arkham Trilogy
Kevin Conroy achieved legendary status through Batman. For the most part, it is natural to think that he loved giving voice to Batman. He achieved fame and recognition and earned money in that process. Any person would love to have that chance. But Kevin Conroy was different. He hated giving voice to Batman while recording the Arkham Trilogy games. Fans might get bamboozled to know this, but it is actually the truth.
During an interview held by Warner Bros., he said that he did not like his Arkham trilogy job. His experience was not merry. Previously, people used to be in the same room, and each recorded their own voice. But during the video games, he was given a booth where he had to record by himself. It was completely different from his previous works. At one point in the interview, he said,” By the time you get out of there you’re pulling out your hair, you’re going, ‘What the f*ck do they want me to say!?”
Kevin Conroy was given the script and told the recording session would last four hours. In between, the producers would sometimes ask him to show his anger and sometimes ask him to show his sweetness. The job was becoming hectic. Later, it became four hours of recording, a one-hour lunch break, and then again four hours of work. This would go on for weeks. The last game, Arkham Knight, had 37,000 lines of dialogue and went on for two years straight.
Also Read: Why The New Batman Adventures is Peak Batman Animation
Batman Arkham Trilogy Became a Cult Video Game Franchise
Even though Kevin Conroy hated his job during the Arkham Trilogy video game, it became one of the greatest video games ever. All three were masterpieces. The Arkham franchise earned almost $2.5 Billion in revenue. After Christopher Nolan’s Batman Trilogy, it was time for Kevin Conroy. The games had every gamer on their seats, and the critics were full of praise. Warner Bros. annoyed Kevin Conroy by making him work harder, but it paid off well. Combining all, it sold more than 5 million copies.
No superhero video games has reached that level to date.
Unfortunately, fans lost Kevin Conroy to cancer on 10 November 2022.
Looking back now, fans think, though he hated it, Kevin Conroy always gave 100% of his efforts. That is why Warner Bros. made such a massive fortune by selling the Arkham Trilogy.
Source: YouTube