The two-time Academy Award winner, George Clooney recently appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live alongside the American rapper and songwriter Snoop Dogg. The two celebrities joined the show’s host to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the show. During the show, Kimmel presented some childhood photographs of the Syriana star. During the display of these photographs, Clooney’s childhood struggle with Bell’s Palsy can be witnessed.
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George Clooney was Diagnosed with Bell’s Palsy
Bell’s Palsy, refers to the sudden weakening of one side of facial muscles which results in drooping of the affected side of the face. It can also be referred to as one side of temporary facial paralysis which generally cures over time. While celebrating the 20th anniversary of the show, Clooney also appeared in 2003, as the first guest on the Jimmy Kimmel Live shows, making him a perfect guest for the celebration. Going backward in the timeline, while celebrating the past 20 years, Clooney’s childhood photographs make their appearance, where The Peacemaker star can be seen giving a crooked smile because of Bell’s Palsy.
Jimmy Kimmel Exposed the Childhood Photographs of George Clooney
The Up in the Air star’s first childhood photograph just before his high school depicted a young boy with a bowl cut to which Clooney pointed out that his mother was the hairdresser for that particular look. The next photo featured the Ticket to Paradise with a slanted smile caused due to his medical condition. Before the show’s host could make any comments, Clooney took the lead and explained his facial paralysis condition.
“I want to point out that my mother cut my hair. Now, wait, I want to point out something because you’re going to laugh, gonna make a joke. I have Bell’s palsy there and half of my face is paralyzed. Look at this, watch this, If you go like this, on the other side, it’s a completely different face. So now make your joke. Come on, funny man. Come on, let me give you my sad face.”
Though it looked like Jimmy Kimmel had no plans to crack any joke on Clooney’s childhood struggles yet his following statement was applauded with the audience’s and guest’s laughter, which aided in lightening the mood and the show went ahead merrily with the presence of both the guests. The two celebrity guests and the show’s host raised a toast together after Kimmel’s following statement.
“You know what? I didn’t have a joke, George, and you really brought everybody down.”
George Clooney is surely not the only one who has shared his struggles with Bell’s Palsy. The world-famous star, Angelina Joile has shared her difficult times after her divorce from Brad Pitt. The actress shared that she fell for Bell’s Palsy as a result of the mental tension and stress caused due to her divorce. Fans are glad that both the stars have successfully recovered and are confident enough to look back at their difficult times to encourage many others who struggle with Bell’s Palsy.
Source: Jimmy Kimmel Live
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