The CBS comedy, which is currently on its annual break, recently renewed its show Young Sheldon for two more seasons and season 6 will be released shortly this year.
Also Read: Young Sheldon Season 6 Announces Release Date
While talking about the show with the star cast in an interview Lance Barber commented on George’s nearing death in Young Sheldon, which returns for season 6 later this year. That means that in just a year, as revealed in the parent series The Big Band Theory, Sheldon’s dad will meet his end.
Things You Should Know About George Cooper
George was the only Cooper family member who didn’t physically appear in the geek-centric sitcom’s 12-year-run. By the time The Big Bang Theory began in 2007, he was already long dead. Despite this, both Sheldon and Mary used to share stories about their late patriarch, albeit mostly bad ones, giving the character a bad rep. So, when Young Sheldon properly introduced him, there has been some confusion as the prequel’s version of George may not be perfect but isn’t the lazy and drunk father that his son and wife liked to describe him as.
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Lance Barber Reacts to George Cooper Being Killed Off Soon
In an interview with ET, Lance Barber opens up about his character’s nearing demise in Young Sheldon. on asking if he was worried about this, he said he was not because he has known all along that this was coming. Luckily, he still has some time to spend in the CBS comedy.
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Read Lance Barber’s quote below:
It doesn’t worry me because we’ve known from the beginning. I’ve been blessed and so lucky to have all the time that we’ve had already, and know that we’re gonna have a little more time to play out this story.
Also Read: Young Sheldon: Sheldon’s Second Darkest George Story Is Set Up