Jurassic Park achieved instant classic status upon its release three decades ago, on June 11, 1993. Much of the credit for this achievement, alongside their puppet master Steven Spielberg, goes to the fearsome T. Rex and her prehistoric companions. However, the human cast was equally outstanding, featuring Sam Neill, Laura Dern, Samuel L. Jackson, and the late, esteemed Richard Attenborough.
However, none of the cast members received as much celebration (or meme-worthy attention) as Jeff Goldblum, who delivered the most memorable lines as Dr. Ian Malcolm, the in-house devil’s advocate and chaos theorist.
Jeff Goldblum’s Shirtless Scene Was Not In The Script
During a Role Recall interview with Yahoo Entertainment, Jeff Goldblum provided insight into his most iconic moments, starting with the now-legendary scene where an injured Malcolm displays some skin while reclining seductively on a couch amidst the film’s turmoil.
Jeff Goldblum told Yahoo Entertainment:
“I’m suffering. … I’m stoically and manfully bearing up with some kind of pain,” Goldblum explained. “And, well, it’s Hawaii — or, well, it’s supposed to be Costa Rica — so things are hot and I’m sure I’m in some kind of fever. So all of the logic is that you have to get some of these wet clothes off, immediately.”
Goldblum couldn’t recall whose suggestion it was to have him undress, but he acknowledges its enduring presence in pop culture. He humorously mentioned that people now encounter pictures and artwork of that moment, even referring to the toy manufacturer Funko, which elevated the scene’s notoriety by producing a Malcolm figurine featuring his exposed chest. Mattel also joined the fun, releasing their own action figure capturing the “chaos theory” moment with an open-shirted Malcolm.
Devotees have also embraced Malcolm’s infectious laughter from an early helicopter scene, giving it an EDM remix that has amassed over 4 million views.
Steven Spielberg Almost Dropped Jeff Goldblum’s Character
Jeff Goldblum once disclosed that director Steven Spielberg contemplated removing his character from the sci-fi film while they were revising the script. In an interview with GQ, he recounted his initial meeting with Spielberg and how he learned that they were contemplating cutting his role from the movie.
Goldblum told GQ:
“At that first meeting, [Spielberg] said, “Hey, you know, I wanted to meet you. You know, I’ve enjoyed what you’ve done. There’s a current consensus and a faction, at least in my group here, that thinks that the script should develop a little, and we may take your character out of it. And put that character that was in the book, Malcolm, and kind of meld it into the Grant character.”
Although Steven Spielberg initially considered removing Jeff Goldblum’s character from the film, the actor ultimately remained in the movie and delivered a remarkable performance.
Jurassic Park can be rented on Apple TV.
Also read: Shocking Jeff Goldblum Deleted Scene in Thor: Love and Thunder Reveals New Details
Source: Yahoo Entertainment, GQ