The animated TV series Harley Quinn first aired in November 2019 and has been praised since then for its animation, humor, dark tone, voice acting, and portrayal of Harley Quinn. The show contains a lot of jokes that are surely not for the kids.
However, it once went too far as DC had to scrap this one scene from the show. In June 2021, it was rumored that the show would contain a scene where Batman goes down on Catwoman, however, this idea was instantly rejected by the studios. Iconic DC director Zack Snyder then posted a comic panel of the same scene implying that it is bound to happen.
This scene was removed from the Harley Quinn TV series
The DC R-rated animated series Harley Quinn contains a lot of sequences that are not family-friendly, however, DC was strictly against this one scene. Showrunner Justin Halpern explained in June 2021,
“It’s incredibly gratifying and free to be using characters that are considered villains because you just have so much more leeway. A perfect example of that is in this third season of Harley, we had a moment where Batman was going down on Catwoman, and DC was like, ‘You can’t do that. You absolutely cannot do that.'”
The mentioned scene was supposed to be a part of the series’ third season, however, DC was against it and they had a fair reason for it.
Why did DC reject this scene?
While DC has allowed many explicit scenes in the show, they were strictly against this idea. Halpern explained why,
“They’re like, ‘Heroes don’t do that.’ So, we said, ‘Are you saying heroes are just selfish lovers?’ They were like, ‘No, it’s that we sell consumer toys for heroes. It’s hard to sell a toy if Batman is also going down on someone.'”
The series features voices of some talented Hollywood stars like Kaley Cuoco, Lake Bell, Alan Tudyk, Ron Funches, Tony Hale, Jason Alexander, and J. B. Smoove.
Also read: Real Reason Why Margot Robbie Left DCU as Lady Gaga Replaces Her as Harley Quinn
Zack Snyder supported the idea
Shortly after Halpern revealed that DC Studios rejected the idea, director Zack Snyder posted a picture of the mentioned scene from a comic book panel with the caption, “Canon.” The director implied that the source material contains the mentioned scene so it was bound to appear in the animated series.
The first season and the second of the show aired on DC Universe in November 2019 and April 2020 respectively. The third season of the show aired on HBO Max in July 2022 and the most recent season of the show, season four, aired on July 27, 2023 on Max.
Source: Variety