Lottie Moss, the half-sister of the popular British model Kate Moss recently headlined the Internet as she spoke about nepotism on her Twitter. The 24-year-old has hit the netizens who have often raised the question of how nepotism is a big advantage to get opportunities. This took no time to spark a buzz on the internet.
Lottie Moss mainly raised her voice to defend English songwriter and actress Lilly Allen who lately got embroiled in a controversy where she spoke for “nepotism babies”. It is a widely used term for the children of prominent personalities. Lilly Allen is the daughter of the actor Keith Allen and producer Alison Owen. It took no time for her comments to get subjected to a heated debate on the Internet and very soon it was nothing less than a virtual brawl.
What did Lottie Moss say about Nepotism?
The whole incident has its origin in the statements of Lilly Allen who raised the conversation about how nepotism babies receive unnecessary hate. She talked about how the star kids are often left without love and stability in their childhood and how this also leads to severe childhood trauma among many of them.
The half-sister of supermodel Kate Moss, Lottie Moss also took to her Twitter account to express her views on Allen’s remarks thereby stating a clear indication of her support. She claimed to be aware of the privileges received by a star kid but strongly spoke against the abuse received by them.
According to Lottie Moss, the privileges undoubtedly help in getting opportunities but bashing nepotism for not being famous and rich is not justified.
“I’m so sick of people blaming nepotism for why they aren’t rich and famous or successful. Obviously it’s not fair that people who come from famous families are getting a leg up because of that but guess what? Life isn’t fair—if you put your mind to something you can accomplish anything! So instead of being negative about other peoples success go and try and create your own!“
This tweet attracted a lot of eyeballs from numerous netizens and Moss was subjected to a lot of comments on the Internet about how she took the advantage of being Kate Moss’ sister.
The career of Lottie Moss also owes a lot to Kate Moss
As soon as the tweet by Lottie Moss hit Twitter, the fans were not late to respond about how even her own fashion career owes a lot to her famous half-sister. Replying to the trolls, Lottie Moss claimed that she is grateful to Kate Moss for all the opportunities she got. But this doesn’t give the fans any right to abuse her or any other celebrities because of that.
“Did I ever say that nepotism isn’t a massive advantage? obviously it is but if you don’t have that advantage it’s not okay to abuse people on social media that do. Obviously am so grateful that I have had the opportunities I’ve had don’t get it twisted. Obviously I’m privileged being related to a huge model also. And am privileged for numerous other reasons and as I say I am grateful for it all but shi**ing on others because of it makes NO sense.”
Also Read: The Johnny Depp and Kate Moss Story: Why Did They Break Up?
Interestingly, the Twitter account of Lottie Moss can no longer be found on the microblogging site. The Calvin Klein model’s official account has been removed due to reasons unknown. Born to Peter Moss and Inger Solnordal, the younger Moss is also active in the adult subscription service OnlyFans as she enjoys the creation of her own content.
Source: People