Woody Allen hints at retirement plans to direct “one or two more” films. In an Instagram live stream with Alec Baldwin, Allen hinted that he was not enjoying making films as the thrill is gone because of the decline in the theatrical experience.
Allen did not reveal much about his upcoming projects, he said that he will direct a film that will shoot in Paris in the late summer or early fall. His last film was Rifkin’s Festival, which grossed just $2.3 million, reaching the U.S. in a limited release earlier this year but making little impact.
According to Allen the challenging environment for traditional theatrical releases has started to weigh on him. “When I started, you’d do a film and it would go into a movie house and movie houses all over the country, and people would come by the hundreds to watch it in big groups on a big screen,” he said.“Now, you do a movie and you get a couple of weeks in a movie house, maybe six weeks, four weeks, whatever. And then it goes right to streaming or right to pay-per-view, and people love sitting home with their big screens and watching it on their television sets.” As a result, he continued, “It’s not as enjoyable to me.”
Allen said in his new day-to-day routine, “I don’t have to be cold in the winter or hot in the summer or up at 5 o’clock in the morning, making decisions all day long. I’m home and there’s nothing I can do but exercise, practice the clarinet and write. I was home writing a lot. I wrote a lot of plays. … I thought to myself, ‘What if I didn’t make film? This is a nice way to live.’ And I thought, ‘Well, maybe I’ll make one or two more.’”