This year’s Oscars, held on March 27th, was quite a memorable event. However, the biggest takeaway for most people was the Chris Rock vs. Will Smith fiasco that ensued on stage. Months after the incident, Will Smith recently released a public apology on YouTube titled, ‘It’s been a minute…’, where he was seen taking up questions, and queries, and addressing his actions at the 94th Academy Awards. While there’s no seeming stop to the ridicule, Oscars producer Will Packer expressed his sentiments and support towards the 53-year-old actor’s apology.
Will Packer Wishes The Best For Will Smith
In Will Smith’s apology video, he was seen expressing his regrets and elaborating on his actions at this year’s Oscars where he went on stage to slap comedian Chris Rock, following a joke he made about the actor’s wife, Jada Pinkett Smith, and her alopecia. In the video, the actor was seen saying the following statement and making people aware of his remorse regarding the infamous incident:
“I will say to you, Chris, I apologize to you. My behavior was unacceptable, and I’m here whenever you’re ready to talk. I want to apologize to Chris’ mother; I saw an interview that Chris’ mother did. And it was just one of those things about that moment, I didn’t realize, and I wasn’t thinking how many people got hurt in that moment.”
The actor also addressed how he spent the last three months introspecting and analyzing his actions. In direct reference to the people he has disappointed, the Bad Boys for Life actor said that there is not a single part of him that believes what he did at that moment was right.
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Following the actor’s apology, 2022 Oscars producer Will Packer commented in a recent interview that he is “pulling” for Will Smith. The Ride Along producer commended the actor for his transparency in the video. “Clearly he is going through his own personal rehabilitation,” stated Packer. Following is the statement made by the Beast producer:
“I’m pulling for him. I’m pulling for him to continue his own process, but I think this is for him. He needs to do it. I’m wishing you the best, brother.”
Hence, the producer wished the very best for the Men in Black actor and expressed that he wants him to continue his process of self-growth and introspection. While the Oscars producer did not make any comments on whether he has spoken to either of the two who were involved in the incident, he expressed his heartfelt best wishes for both Chris Rock and Will Smith.
The Oscars Got Overshadowed By The Slap
In the same interview at the premiere of the upcoming film Beast, the Oscars producer also emphasized how this year’s show was overshadowed by the incident of the slap. People dismissed most of the other highlights to talk about the Chris Rock v. Will Smith moment. “People always talk about that [the slap],” commented Packer. Expressing his love and appreciation for the event he was in charge of producing this year, the following is what he said:
“I hope that over time people will realize it was an energetic, diverse, history-making Oscars ceremony. A lot of energy went into it. I’m very prideful of it.”
Therefore, the producer expressed his wishful anticipation for a time in the future when people will acknowledge the 2022 Academy Awards for history-making moments well beyond the incident that took place between Rock and Smith.
The producer has gotten over the Oscars travesty and is instead involved with the upcoming film, Beast, starring Idris Elba, which is set for an August 19th, 2022 release at the nearest theatres.
Source: ET
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