Rising to prominence with the teen comedy Mean Girls, Rachel McAdams gained significant recognition as Allie in the 2004 romantic drama The Notebook. The actress is now popularly known for starring alongside Benedict Cumberbatch as Christine Palmer in the MCU. However, despite having spent decades in the industry, she doesn’t prefer to put her personal life in the limelight, including her love life and her children.
The actress has shared that being a mother was the best thing that happened to her. She reportedly did not make any announcements about her children’s birth and also doesn’t share any details about her kids, as she does not want to put them in the spotlight.
Rachel McAdams Doesn’t Want Her Kids in Limelight
It is not uncommon for celebrities to keep their private life away from the limelight. Rachel McAdams, who has been in a relationship with the screenwriter Jamie Linden since 2016, also follows the same for her life off-screen.
The actress shares two children, reportedly a boy and a girl, with her beau and has not revealed much about her kids to the public. She is adamant to keep her personal affairs private and did not even make any announcements about her kids’ birth.
McAdams has always looked forward to having kids and although she became a mother at 39, she believed it was the right time for her. “I waited a long time [for motherhood]. It’s just how it happened,” she said. She also shared the reason she doesn’t put her kids in the public eye.
During a 2018 interview with The Sunday Times, the Marvel star said, “I want to keep his life private, even if mine isn’t” referring to her son. The Notebook star welcomed a baby girl in 2020 and takes care of her children with her partner Jamie Linden.
Rachel McAdams on Her Relationship With Jamie Linden
Being one of the most popular actresses in Hollywood, Rachel McAdams has had several high-profile relationships over the years. The Spotlight actress is currently in a long-term relationship with the screenwriter Jamie Linden and the two have been dating since 2016.
The couple was also spotted at the 2016 San Diego Comic-Con, and sources have shared that they looked very cute and comfortable together. The Oscar nominee has opened up about her relationship with the Dear John screenwriter. Talking about her relationship, she said that she “just wanted to be with someone creative.”
The actress further stated, “We live such a gypsy life as actors, so [it’s great] being with someone who can be on the road as well.” She also opened up about quarantining with her boyfriend, saying that they lived on a little farm in the country and enjoyed activities like planting and looking at the animals.
Source: The Sunday Times