Michael Caine, the veteran actor who starred alongside Christian Bale in The Dark Knight trilogy has been revered as one of the finest actors out there. Starring in Christopher Nolan’s movies alongside many others, the actor is quite popular in Hollywood.
Having a good sense of humor, the actor recalled a tale when they were shooting in the Philippines. Talking about how when they were invited to a posh party, the hostess mistakenly took Michael Caine as a drug dealer!
When Michael Caine Was Mistaken As A Drug Dealer!
Having starred alongside Christian Bale in Christopher Nolan’s The Dark Knight trilogy, Caine became iconic as Alfred. His career went further and further as he starred in numerous Christopher Nolan movies and people fell in love with the wise man.
Although he may seem wise, the actor does know when to party. Recalling an incident when they were shooting in the Philippines, Michael Caine revealed that they had been invited to a party. The party was a luxurious posh party in Manila which Caine attended with his castmates. Sitting on The Graham Norton Show, the actor talked about how the hostess mistook Caine for a drug dealer for a hilarious reason.
“I was making a picture in the Philippines now I’m in Manila and we were invited to this very very posh expensive house to a party and I’m being introduced to people and standing and getting a drink and all that.”
He further continued,
“The hostess is standing over there and she’s looking at me rather nastyly considering I’m a guest, you know. There was a moment when I was a bit free and she went [lifting hands in a calling manner] so I went over her and she said ‘Are you a drug dealer?’ I said ‘No, why do you ask?’ She said ‘Why is everybody calling you My Cocaine?'”
Thanks to the actor’s name, Michael Caine experienced this hilarious story. His best friend and long-time collaborator Christopher Nolan talked about Michael Caine’s involvement in Oppenheimer and it is quite heart-warming.
When Christopher Nolan Talked About Michael Caine
In an interview, a question was asked to Nolan regarding Caine’s involvement in Oppenheimer. The director stated that there wasn’t any involvement of the Batman Begins actor in this film but he was with them in spirit.
“He’s with us in spirit, but not in actuality. No, no. He wasn’t able to join us for this one. But he’s always with us in spirit and, and I’ve had the most wonderful collaboration with him over the years. But I know not a lot of people know that he’s in Dunkirk!”
What many people wouldn’t know is that Michael Caine lent his voice to Dunkirk by being the person who gave orders to pilots like Tom Hardy and Jack Lowden. Christopher Nolan’s Oppenheimer is currently screening in theaters across the world.
Source: YouTube