Serving as the third installment in Phase One of the MCU, Iron Man 2 was a commercial success, albeit the critics took more of a penchant for its predecessor. Nonetheless, the 2010 sequel marked a couple of significant milestones – it got crowned as the 7th highest-grossing film of that year, became the second Marvel movie to land an Oscar nomination after 2008’s Iron Man, and introduced Scarlett Johansson’s Black Widow. But besides its accomplishments, Iron Man 2 became the talk of the town for one more reason, courtesy of the rumors about Johansson’s alleged feud with one of her co-stars.
Scarlett Johansson & Gwyneth Paltrow Feud Rumors Debunked
During her recent appearance on Gwyneth Paltrow‘s The Goop podcast, Scarlett Johansson along with the Iron Man actress discussed the rumors that painted a picture of animosity between the two. Back when Iron Man 2 was released, sources claimed that Johansson clashed with Paltrow on the set of the Jon Favreau film. But as the Academy Award winner addressed it on her recent podcast episode, Johansson, 38, unveiled the reality behind it, which happens to be much sweeter than what the tabloids depicted.
“Is that a rumor?” Johansson asked with astonishment when Paltrow brushed the subject of their supposed conflict during Iron Man 2. Turns out, the Shakespeare in Love star was on her best behavior and was nothing but amicable to ScarJo.
“You were so nice to me on that movie. I was so petrified. You were so nice to me! You could’ve been awful. I was so out of my comfort zone on that movie. I’d never done anything like that before. Plus, you had established such deep friendships.”
The Goop founder assented with her, claiming how “psyched” everyone on the cast had been to have the Lucy star on board. “I was so happy to have another woman around,” she said. Johansson reminisced about the time when Paltrow had said those same words to her at the time. “You kept telling me that, then I experienced that later on,” the Black Widow star remarked. “When I did ‘Avengers’ I was one of the few [women]… it was like a big sausage party.”
Gwyneth Paltrow Despised Being Pitted Against ScarJo
This isn’t the only time Paltrow shut down such petty rumors about her not getting along with Johansson while filming the Iron Man sequel. Talking to PEOPLE during that time, the Sliding Doors star had already cleared the air by explicitly stating that there was no semblance of a rivalry between her and her co-star.
“I adore Scarlett. I loved having her on set,” Paltrow admitted, claiming that creating such “a problem between women” was nothing but “lame.” She further went on to praise the Lost in Translation actress and her cooking abilities coupled with her “dirty” sense of humor that she absolutely adored. “She’s like a girl after my own heart,” Paltrow stated.
Iron Man 2 can be streamed on Disney+.
Source: The Goop Podcast