Masashi Kishimoto’s Naruto is a long-running series that ended nearly a decade ago. Spanning over 500 episodes and 11 movies, it is one of the most-watched anime series around the globe and is considered to be one of the “Big Three” shōnen style anime.
However, nothing is perfect in this world, and the same applies to Naruto too, Kishimoto has left too many open holes and problems in his franchise, leaving the fans in the dust. Here is a list of problems Boruto should look out for, so they do not get repeated once again.
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8. Unresolved Plot Threads In Naruto
There are many instances in the series where many developing stories and proper character introductions were left completely unintended. A famous example of the same is who really is Minato Namikaze, another example would be how nobody knows which clan Jiraiya belongs to.
7. Huge Amount Of Fillers
While it just might be a little late now to warn Boruto of filler episodes, however, there is still a chance that the anime can be saved from being like its predecessor, known for an abundance of filler episodes.
6. Excessive Use Of Flashbacks
Naruto as a series is stretched over a huge timeline, often even showcasing the roots of how the shinobi and hidden villages came to be, however, this has led to an excessive use of flashbacks being used in the series in order to give context to the viewers.
It became too repetitive at one point and is something that needs to be refrained from the Boruto anime.
5. Unexplained Abilities
With thousands of different characters, with the majority of them having different abilities, it becomes hard to keep track of their origins, however, there are some major skills in the series that have gone unexplained to the fans.
One of these includes the Wood release mastery of Hashirama Senju, and while some light has been thrown on the same, not much is revealed about how the power came to be which allowed the first Hokage even to control all the tailed beasts at one point.
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4. Character Resurrections
Naruto is infamous for bringing back characters from the definite death. In fact, Jiraiya and Neji remain the only major characters in the series to remain dead to this day. This is something that will ruin Boruto if it is followed through again in the sequel.
3. Stretched On Fights
Naruto has also been often critiqued for some stretched-on fight sequences it has had in the series. One famous example of the same would be the fight between Sakura Haruno and Granny Chiyo against Sasori, an Akatsuki member during the Rescue Gaara arc.
2. Repetitive Themes
The series often goes over the same themes over and over again. Whether it be the cycle of hatred, or the infamous talk no jutsu used once again to defeat a major villain, it has become repetitive, something that if repeated in Boruto, will make a lot of fans upset.
1. No Development To Female Characters
Kishimoto has often been criticized for not giving enough development to the kunoichis of Konohagakure, something characters like Ino and Tenten has been a victim of. Even the creator himself revealed in an interview that the lack of development to Sakura when compared to her teammates was intentional.
Nonetheless, Boruto is a series that carries a lot of expectations on its back, being a sequel to such a famous and successful franchise does not allow it to have any room for error at all, and mistakes that have been made in the past cannot be committed again, else it will draw a lot of backlash from the audience.
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