The show Lovecraft Country was launched in August 2020 on HBO. It was a dark fantasy show that was loved by fans and critics alike. The show was quite promising and some speculate that it could have been very, very successful. Alas, it was canceled abruptly, leaving fans fuming! While a second season was reportedly developed, the show was ultimately canceled by HBO.
Now fans have taken to Twitter to express their anguish over the abrupt axing of the show, so many seemed to love. The show had an interesting premise and a talented cast.
Related: Why Lovecraft Country Was Canceled After Season 1?
Lovecraft Country: A Spectacular Show!
The show followed the journey of young Atticus Freeman, who along with his friend Letitia and his Uncle George went on a quest across 1950s America to find his missing father. The trio had to contend with racism and terrifying monsters! The show had a total of 10 episodes in the first season. While a second season, Lovecraft Country: Supremacy, was reportedly in development, HBO canceled it. Much to the heartbreak of fans.
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Fans Take To Twitter To Vent Their Heartbreak and Frustration
Fans of the show took to Twitter to lament the heartbreaking decision of HBO canceling the promising show. Some are still hopeful, that a second season might ultimately be made.
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Many fans speculated that the show had the potential to become bigger than Netflix’s Stranger Things! Abrupt cancellation of promising shows is surely quite heartbreaking. What do you think of the show? Let us know your opinion in the comments section below.
Lovecraft Country can be streamed on HBO Max.
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