The stigma surrounding the topic of mental health has decreased significantly in recent years and social media has had a huge hand in it. However, as Arnold Schwarzenegger would agree, sometimes social media can get a little out of control and do more bad for our mental health rather than good.

Arnold Schwarzenegger, apart from being a fabulous actor and a fitness expert, is an advocate for mental well-being. However, he has a bone to pick with the so-called social media influencers for doing things the wrong way. He even took a dig at the growing trend of being an “alpha” stating that he would have straight-up laughed at the apparent alpha’s face if someone pretended to be one in front of him. So, what should people do if not listen to these influencers? Well, Arnold Schwarzenegger has the perfect advice!
Arnold Schwarzenegger Calls Out Social Media Influencers

In his free-to-access newsletter, Arnold’s Pump Club, Arnold Schwarzenegger took on the topic of mental health and stated that people need to treat their minds with the same respect they treat their bodies with. He also talked about how people should not be ashamed or afraid of asking for help, either from their loved ones or from a professional.
“[Y]ou should treat your mind no differently than your body. You have to train both. If your knee was holding you back and making you limp everywhere, you’d go see a physical therapist. There is no shame at all in admitting you need help with your mind. None. In fact, if you’re thinking about giving money to some guru who promises to make your life perfect, spend it on a therapist instead. Let’s train those minds.”
He then went on to put social media influencers on a blast for being the reason why people’s mental health is suffering so much. Schwarzenegger is absolutely against people paying attention to what these influencers have to say as he states that no one needs a class on how to be a man.
“Here is what I see: social media. People spend all day online, and there are a lot of bullsh*t artists and charlatans and outrage salespeople on the internet; the ‘influencers’ who tell you that you have to wear this or you’re worthless…or the shysters who sell you some bogus class about how to be a man. I’ll give you guys a hint: nobody needs a class on that. And nobody who is a real leader goes around calling themselves an ‘alpha.’ It’s absurd. If anybody did that in Gold’s Gym we would have laughed until they stopped.”
While social media could also be called a haven for those having difficulties dealing with their mental health, bane follows boon. It is very easy to fall victim to the imposing mindset of some so-called influencers. The question is, how exactly can you help yourself and your complete well-being? Schwarzenegger has an answer for that as well.
Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Advice

Schwarzenegger has made it pretty clear that he cares about people’s wellbeing which is why he has a few things he would like people to try, rather than listening to influencers online. From working on your insecurities to talking to real people, here’s what Schwarzenegger believes would help you out. However, it must be mentioned that the Terminator actor is in no way posing himself as an expert.
“If I could tell these men and women anything, it would be to turn off the social media, think about your biggest insecurity, and go start working on it out in the real world. Go outside, exercise, talk to real people. Stop listening to these influencers and what they think you need. They are selling you…I am happy to be here to provide a positive voice on social media and the internet. And again, I’m not an expert. If you’re struggling, get help. That takes real strength.”
These are some wise words from the former Governor of California. Remember, social media can be as harmful as beneficial and there’s no reason why you should be ashamed of asking for help. We’re here for you!
Source: Arnold’s Pump Club