The Walking Dead: Dead City is an exciting addition to the popular The Walking Dead franchise, bringing fans back into the post-apocalyptic world overrun by zombies. The latest series of the franchise follows the journey of Maggie and Negan as they venture into a desolate Manhattan, isolated from the rest of the world after the apocalypse, searching for Maggie’s abducted son, Hershel.
The Walking Dead: Dead City has made a triumphant entry into the highly successful franchise, delivering a much-needed boost with its record-breaking premiere. The recently released first episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City had the biggest premiere on AMC+ to date.
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The Record-Breaking Premiere Of The Walking Dead: Dead City
The premiere of The Walking Dead: Dead City has shattered records, making history as the biggest debut of any season of television on AMC+. This accomplishment is particularly significant as it surpasses the record previously held by its predecessor series, The Walking Dead. The series has not only made waves in the realm of streaming but has also garnered substantial viewership by attracting 2 million viewers over the tenure of three days. It goes without saying that fans loved the first episode and can’t stop swooning over the leading duo.
Dan McDermott’s Remarks Hints At The Promising Future Of The Franchise
Dan McDermott, President of AMC Entertainment and AMC Studios, expressed his enthusiasm for the success of The Walking Dead: Dead City. McDermott praised the incredible start of the series. The President also recognized the exceptional performances of Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, along with the creative team responsible for achieving this milestone. McDermott also highlighted the promising coming projects to expand this intriguing universe.
“Survive here, survive anywhere. What an incredible start for this series — the #1 season premiere in the history of AMC+ — and for the next chapter in ‘The Walking Dead’ Universe, with three new shows, focused on iconic characters in intriguing and novel locations. Thanks to the best fans in television for joining Maggie and Negan for the beginning of this thrilling ride through the streets of Manhattan, to stars and executive producers Lauren Cohan and Jeffrey Dean Morgan, and to Scott M. Gimple, Eli Jorné, Brian Bockrath, and everyone who brought ‘Dead City’ very much to life. There’s so much more to come over the course of this season. Here we go!”
The Walking Dead: Dead City has proved to be a resounding success, breathing new life into the immensely popular franchise. With its record-breaking premiere and the unwavering support of fans, the series has solidified its position as a standout addition to the post-apocalyptic world of zombies.
The second episode of The Walking Dead: Dead City series will be released on June 25, 2023.
Source: Variety
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