Cashing in on the popularity of the political drama series Game of Thrones, HBO announced a spin-off series called House of the Dragon in 2019. With Ryan J. Condal and Emmy Winner Miguel Sapochnik set to direct the series, it will be released on HBO Max.
Set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, the show will follow Daenarys Targaryen’s ancestors based on George R. R. Martin‘s novel Fire & Blood. It will be covering the war of succession between the descendants of Old Valyria.
House of the Dragon’s origins
Despite the awful reception of the last season of Game of Thrones, the studio and the showrunners felt confident in announcing its spin-off series. In an interview with Collider, the showrunners described how they got the series off the ground.
Read more: HBO Max Spending a Whopping $300M on Game of Thrones Prequel – House of the Dragon
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When asked about his first meeting with George R. R. Martin, Ryan J. Condal described is as very innocent, just being a fan. He noted that he just wanted to get to know the writer since he was such a big influence on his life, he said:
“If there was an organic opportunity that came along, I always sought it out, and George was one of those opportunities… That was now nearly 10 years ago. It didn’t feel like George needed anything at all from me. I just wanted to get to know him. Obviously, it led to things later on, but I never expected anything out of it.”
Showrunners have already planned season 2
Considering the popularity of the original series and the rich content to adapt from the novel, the showrunner already knows what they will include in season 2 of House of the Dragon. In the same interview, the showrunner stated:
“I think we have a fairly good plan laid out. Plans like that always have to be fairly broad, yet you have an idea of landmarks, and places that you want to go, and a sense of an end point, which I think is really important, particularly with this story”
He also noted how there are around 170 years of content that they can adapt into live-action. The showrunner interestingly also noted how the fans will be willing and eager to see more of the franchise. He further said:
“I think we have a good plan for Season 2, if HBO is willing and eager to continue telling the story with us. There is really 300 years of Targaryen history to explore, and there are many stories within there that are really fascinating”
A fan-favorite topic that has been hidden in mystery for some time in the history of Old Valyria, teased in the Game of Thrones. While commenting on the departure of Targayreans from Old Valyria, the showrunners have hinted at more content on it in the series.
House of the Dragon will be available on HBO Max on the 21st of August, 2022.
Source: Collider