Amid the ongoing industrial disruption, Jamie Dornan finds himself unable to partake in the promotional circuit for his latest film. However, a previous interview has unveiled an intriguing tidbit about his connection to the DC Universe (DCU): Dornan was once among the contenders who auditioned for the role of the iconic Man of Steel.
Yet, the question lingers: How nearly did he approach securing a spot on our esteemed roster of exceptional Superman actors? Regrettably, not as near as his agent had aspired for. Reflecting on the matter, the Irish thespian, who currently stars alongside Gal Gadot in Netflix’s new film Heart of Stone, said it took place around 12 years ago.
How Did Jamie Dornan’s Audition Go For Zack Snyder’s Film?
In an interview conducted prior to the onset of the Actors Strike, Jamie Dornan revealed that he was in contention for one of the most prominent characters within the DC universe. However, as history has it, the role ultimately found its way into the hands of Henry Cavill. This indicates that his audition occurred in the context of the Zack Snyder-helmed movies.
“The only one I’ve actually auditioned for was Superman,” he said on the Happy Sad Confused podcast. “That was way back when Henry Cavill got cast. That’s probably 12 years ago or something.” Subsequently, he openly acknowledged that despite the absence of an actual superhero suit available for him during the audition, he improvised by bringing along his own attire. “Was that a mistake? They were Superman pajamas, they weren’t like an actual suit.”
When reflecting on the opportunity, Dornan shared that he never got the chance to actually don the iconic suit. He added that he hadn’t engaged in extensive discussions with studio executives in charge of such decisions. He clarified that he hadn’t progressed far in any audition process for those roles in the past.
Jamie Dornan Was Deeply Affected By Criticism Of His Film
The Fifty Shades phenomenon, spanning the immensely popular novels and their subsequent cinematic adaptations, evoked a distinct division of opinions. Despite facing criticism from reviewers, both the literary works and their on-screen counterparts managed to cultivate a fervent and dedicated following.
When Jamie Dornan assumed the pivotal portrayal of Christian Grey in the Fifty Shades movies, he was acutely conscious of the complex landscape he was stepping into. To grasp the full spectrum of reactions, he proactively sought out some of the most scathing appraisals.
With a mere five weeks remaining before the start of production, Jamie Dornan seamlessly assumed the role of the affluent magnate Christian Grey, a position previously held by Charlie Hunnam who had exited the project. In a discussion on the Happy, Sad, Confused podcast hosted by Josh Horowitz, Dornan offered illuminating perspectives on this transformative shift.
Source: The Digital Flix