Voice Actors Rise Up Against AI Deepfakes Replicating their Money-makers

Recently on the Nexus Mod website, which is known for mod creation in regards to gaming, there has been a rather controversial add to their services as they are currently selling the use of a mod that provides the user with access to Voice Actor voices from gaming through an AI voice cloner without their permission creating a deep fake replication of their voices and due to this it has brought around a few pornographic videos of people using these voice actors in their videos and has caused a lot of controversies.

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How does this impact the voice actors themselves?

Voice Actors Rise Up Against AI Deepfakes Replicating Their Money Makers

As this is a fairly new situation that has arisen, there aren’t many Voice Actors who have had their voices cloned by this new AI system, but that doesn’t make it any less scary for these voice actors as this is their lively hood that is being affected by this new system as it steals their voice and makes it so that people can use it anyway they choose without the permission of the voice actor themselves and this so far has already caused many issues with people using these voices in things like NSFW pornography.

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So far, this new AI voice cloning system has only stolen a few different voices from voice actors, most notably from Bethesda’s major hit Skyrim, but until something is done about it, this could slowly rise and cause many issues. So far, a member of the Voice Acting Community has come forward to help defend voice actors by creating a list of actors who have had their voices stolen by this new AI system. Their name is Robbie92_, and they are helping to try and fight this new system by sharing this with the world to bring awareness to this situation.

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Will this lead to further issues down the road in regards to AI products?

So far, many people worldwide are already having a lot of problems with AI-based products as there are situations with things like AI-created art and music, but now it has evolved to stealing people’s voices, and people are understandably worried, especially the voice actors themselves as they are unsure what they can do to stop this, but thanks to Robbie92_ they now know that they can contact the site in question and demand that these mods be removed as no permission has been granted to use their voices.

So far, this new AI Voice Cloning hasn’t affected any voice actor’s jobs, but that can easily change in the future as technology slowly gets better and more realistic, which has understandably made many voices actors come forward to announce that their voices have been stolen by this new system and they did not give permission for their voices to be used in this way.

What do you think about this advancement in AI technology? Will it affect voice actors in the future? Or will it slowly be taken down and left in the shadows? Let us know in the comments what you think about this AI technology and whether or not it will end well for these voice actors!

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Written by Liam Magee

Greetings! My name is Liam and I am a journalist from Liverpool, UK I am very passionate about gaming and love to talk about it. I enjoy all types of games from JRPGs to fighting games in all different kind of genres from fantasy to horror.

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