The tenth and the latest installment of the Fast & Furious franchise, Fast X, is officially out. The movie has helped the franchise in crossing the $7 billion mark at the global box office, making it the fifth-highest-grossing franchise of all time. Fast X is expected to cross the $400 million mark very soon.
The Fast & Furious movies gave birth to “Family” memes. These memes are not only entertaining but it is also a form of free promotion for the franchise. The meme is basically a joke about Dominic Toretto’s trust in his “family.” If he has his family, then he can do anything.
How many times did the word “family” come up in Fast X?
The latest Fast & Furious movie is out and some fans have made an odd observation. In case you are wondering, the word “family” is said 56 times in Fast X, roughly every 2.5 minutes. The obsession with the word is not surprising as the “family” memes have been around for a while now.
Some of them are quite entertaining and for the creators, it also serves as free promotion. Many movies have witnessed a sharp rise in their popularity after memes about the movie goes viral on social media. This can be observed in almost every industry.
Fast X made $319 million on its opening weekend
Fast X was released in the United States on 19th May 2023 and it managed to earn roughly $319 million at the global box office during its opening weekend. Now, it’s all set to cross the $400 million mark.
But was the movie beneficial for the creators? The original budget of the film was $340 million. The movie is at the number seven spot in the list of the most expensive movies ever made. The previous movie, F9, had a budget of $200 million.
Jason Momoa stole the show
Actor Jason Momoa is the latest addition to the Fast & Furious franchise. In the movie, Momoa plays Dante Reyes, the son of Hernan Reyes from Fast Five. He plays a key role as he seeks revenge. The actor’s performance has been praised by fans all over the world. The character had a slightly different tone, funky fashion sense, lavender nail paint, and Lavender-colored 1966 Chevrolet Impala. The movie has received mixed reviews from the audience but without a doubt, Momoa managed to steal the show with his outstanding performance.
Fast X was released in the theatres in the United States on 19th May 2023.
Source: IMDb