Venom, led by Tom Hardy, was a spin-off series of Spider-Man produced by Sony. The Spider-Man Universe was highly appreciated by fans, which led to the introduction of Venom. Venom debuted as an independent movie in 2018 following the storyline of the encounter of our hero Eddie Brock, played by Tom Hardy, with symbiotic life forms. The story was well executed and the fans were happy to see an independent movie on Venom which always remained a fan-favorite throughout the years. Reportedly, the Taboo star will be seen for the last time reprising his role as Eddie Brock in the third and last installment of Venom.
Tom Hardy’s Venom to End Soon
The merger of Sony and Marvel introduced Tom Holland’s Spider-Man properly in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While Sony continued independently creating the Spider-Man spin-off characters like Venom and Morbius. The second installment of the movie titled Venom: Let There Be Carnage had some minor yet detailed connections with MCU as a concept of the Multiverse as a whole. Venom: Let There Be Carnage was released on October 1, 2021, and was a hit movie making the release of the third installment pretty obvious and expected.
The Sony-Spiderman Universe continues working on various side characters from the Spider-Man comics to create an altogether different yet interesting Spider-Man universe, with several movies such as Kraven the Hunter, El Muerto, and Madame Web under work.
Also Read: “Haven’t we suffered enough?”: Tom Hardy Loses Fan Support Over Venom 3
When Will Venom 3 Be Released?
As teased by the Venom star while updating fans about the upcoming movie along with the sticker of “last dance”, most probably hinting at the end of Venom with the third and last movie. Venom 3 will be directed by Kelly Marcel, to bring a rightful end to the hit series. Reportedly, the shooting of the film will begin in the next few months. The movie is expected to be released in 2024. Keeping in mind that the last two movies of Venom were released in October, it can be safe to assume that the hit series will come back in its favorite month.
Though the fans are excited by hearing the updates regarding the return of their favorite Venom. Many fans are still disappointed by the end of the storyline just after three installments. Nonetheless, fans will surely see Hardy reprising his role of Venom in the upcoming Venom 3.
Source: TheDirect