DC Studios recently released the new teaser trailer for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom. Though brief, the trailer skipped a major character from the franchise. After the highly publicized legal dispute between Amber Heard and her former spouse, Johnny Depp, the actress’s role in Aquaman 2 is now overshadowed by controversy, with her continued involvement in the film appearing uncertain.
Nonetheless, reports indicate that Amber Heard’s portrayal of Mera in the upcoming sequel will remain substantial. In the 2018 film Aquaman, she shared the screen with Jason Momoa and played a prominent role, with Mera receiving ample screen time.
Fans Don’t Want To See Amber Heard In The Film
In the fresh teaser for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom, Amber Heard‘s Mera was missing. Though some speculate a figure far back in one of the scenes could be her, no one is sure. While there is still hope that Mera will have a significant role in the upcoming Aquaman installment, it’s not unexpected that Warner Bros. (WB) has chosen to keep her out in the initial teaser trailer.
A considerable number of prospective viewers hold a negative opinion of Amber Heard, stemming from the high-profile legal battle with Johnny Depp. It will be intriguing to observe Warner Bros. approach to promoting Mera in the lead-up to the December 20 release.
Amber Heard, portraying the role of Mera in the sequel, is brimming with enthusiasm for her upcoming film. Aquaman 2 will be the last DCEU installment before the commencement of James Gunn’s fresh DCU era, commencing in theaters with Superman: Legacy on July 11, 2025.
Is DC Not Giving Proper Marketing To The Film
The highly anticipated first full trailer for Aquaman 2 is set to drop on Thursday, September 14, hopefully offering a closer glimpse of Mera’s role. The delay in Warner Bros.’s marketing campaign for Lost Kingdom has been rather unexpected, especially considering the massive global success of the first film, which grossed over $1 billion.
Following an extended production period and numerous release date delays, Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom is now set to hit theaters in December. Yet, DC enthusiasts are left wondering why the studio appears to be neglecting the film’s promotional efforts.
Some cinemagoers speculate that this approach could be a strategy to shield the film from potentially unfavorable reviews, akin to what transpired with The Flash and the recently premiered Blue Beetle. It’s worth noting that the production budget for Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom has purportedly exceeded the $200 million mark.
Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom hit theaters on December 20, 2023.
Source: Twitter