Cobra Kai is a series that combines martial arts and comedy ,a Netflix adaptation that depicts the original movie The Karate Kid, which was released back in 2010 starring Jackie Chan and Jaden Smith. The series began in 2018 and has run for 5 seasons, recently the sixth season has been confirmed and it will also be the final season of the series.
Ralph Macchio’s Daniel LaRusso and William Zabka’s Johnny Lawrence will meet again as they reignite their rivalry through their students who fight for their dojos that the two rivals open. While many believe that the show will come back for another season, some say that it was a proper decision to end it here.
Also read: Cobra Kai Confirmed to Conclude Epic Run With Season 6 as Creators Promise More Spin-Offs in Future
Fans Not Ready for Cobra Kai to End
Cobra Kai takes place 34 years after The Karate Kid was released and fans were going nuts when it first aired in 2018. Back in 1084 at the All Valley Karate Tournament Daniel LaRusso and Johnny Lawrence fought in the finals to establish their dojos. This scene became one of the most favorite and nostalgic scripts. The reopening of the karate dojo reignites the flame between the former finalists.
In The Karate Kid, Daniel was beat up by Johnny who holds a black belt in karate and trains in the Cobra Kai dojo. Later when Daniel takes guidance from Mr. Miyagi and trains in order to fight back and face off at the All Valley Karate Championships and after much struggle wins the tournament fair and square. Though two more Karate Kid movies were made, they did not gain much fame due to their bad plots, and William Zabka only appeared in one of those movies.
35 years into the future, the series shows us Daniel who has become successful as he owns a car dealership whereas Johnny works as a handyman. In an attempt to re-open the Cobra Kai dojo and teach the younger generation, the duo passes tough obstacles and goes on a trip down memory lane.
Cobra Kai Season 6: Plot Details
The Miyagi-Do team is starting to prepare for Terry Silver’s assassination when Tory left Cobra Kai. They found out that Silver destroyed the tape when they snuck into Cobra Kai’s office to obtain it because they thought it would expose Silver running Kreese was behind the attack. Tory played a recording of his old sensei admitting he bought the referee for the All-Valleys, so the team wasn’t lucky enough.
Also read: Cobra Kai: Terrible Lessons The Show Taught Us
The members of Cobra Kai catch them in the act, which gives rise to a heated debate, but they can release the video, which seems to be the end of the bad guy. As he gets involved in a fight with his coaches Johnny, Chozen, and Mike, and just when it appears that there is no more hope for the right people, Daniel arrives to challenge his former sensei to about, and he ends up winning.
Cobra Kai is available for streaming on Netflix.
Source: Twitter