Tom Hardy is nowadays Sony’s Venom and has been raking in money at the box office. But alongside his superhero gig, the actor has pursued more interests and hobbies, like Jiu Jitsu. In 2022, the star entered the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open Championship and won the event.
However, this isn’t the first time the Mad Max: Fury Road actor has shown interest in the fighting field. In 2011, he starred in the MMA-based film, Warrior. Now, co-star Joel Edgerton in the film, wants him to take on one of the richest men on the planet and another Jiu-Jitsu expert- Mark Zuckerberg.
Joel Edgerton Wants Tom Hardy To Take On Mark Zuckerberg
In an interview with The Guardian, Joel Edgerton, who starred with Tom Hardy in the 2011 film Warrior, was asked if he still keeps up with any of the MMA training he did for the film. The actor said that he trains more rather than fights unlike what Hardy does off-screen. Edgerton said:
“I’d be terrified to fight Tom now because he’s really kept up with the jiu-jitsu. I got quite messed up from the wrestling aspects of Warrior and still have some old neck injuries, so I do more training than fighting – a bit of boxing and kickboxing.”
The Exodus: Gods and Kings actor said that he would like to see Hardy fight another Jiu-Jitsu boss- Mark Zuckerberg. He said:
“Tom is an amazing dude. I think he’s turned up three times now to enter random jiu-jitsu competitions. Mark Zuckerberg has done it too. Tom should tangle Zuckerberg.”
Apart from winning the 2022 Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Open Championship, Hardy has also won the REORG Open Jiu-Jitsu Championship. So he definitely keeps up with his training. But so does Mark Zuckerberg.
Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg Stunned Everyone With His Jiu-Jitsu Prowess
Everyone knows that Mark Zuckerberg is a tech expert and billionaire. But recently, the Facebook boss showed that he was skilled in one more thing other than software- Jiu-Jitsu. In Redwood City, California, he won his first Brazilian jiu-jitsu tournament in 2023. The 38-year-old tech billionaire’s coach, Khai ‘the Shadow’ Wu, congratulated him on his victory. He said:
“Getting to see Zuck compete was pretty epic. No match was easy and everything was earned. It was an honor to be able to help coach and offer any advice I could.”
Apart from Tom Hardy and Mark Zuckerberg, other Hollywood stars like Brad Pitt, Henry Cavill, and more, are into Jiu Jitsu. However, none of them have ever taken on each other in a public competition. As such, if Hardy and Zuckerberg do fight, it will be a fight worthy of being crowned as a must-watch. However, the chances of that actually happening are low.
Source: The Guardian