Thor: Love and Thunder hit the theatres this Friday. The Taika Waititi-directed movie is the fourth entry in the Thor standalone films. But unlike what fans had expected the movie did not live up to the expectations. It was nowhere near the quality of the previous Thor movie by Taika Waititi, Thor: Ragnarok. The movie disappointed the fans in certain aspects and was given a B+ CinemaScore and a 68% score on Rotten Tomatoes. Here are the biggest disappointments that let down the fans with lackluster execution.
Spoiler Alert!
The fast pace of Thor: Love and Thunder
The biggest issue that came forward with the recent MCU film is its pace. And why not? It is less than two hours long with a lot to cover and say. The movie was rushing from one plot point to other and soon the transitions did not appear that smooth to the fans. It even seemed like certain points needed more explanation than was offered. Smoother transitions could’ve helped the movie in better ways.
The glitches of CGI
Recently, MCU has been facing a lot of issues with CGI, even the first trailer of She-Hulk faced a lot of backlash over the same. The issue continued in Thor: Love and Thunder and the eagle-eyed fans were not gonna let it pass. The fans noticed how unreal the CGI in the movie looked at many points. The reasons for it could be many, careless lighting, the shot composition, or the set designs. Whatever it is, Marvel needs to figure it out and work better with the VFX.
A little too many jokes
At a point, it did not even feel like a Thor movie but some weird comedy movie. Taika Waititi filled the movie with so many jokes it seemed the director put in everything he could come up with just to see what the audience might like. Maintaining the balance between serious and comic scenes and in between scenes is a tough task, which the movie to do managed only at some points. Also, Thor isn’t originally a funny character.
Gorr did not have enough screen time
More than a villain, it seemed Christian Bale was in a cameo role. Many fans pointed out that he had very little screen time in the movie. Christian Bale did an outstanding job as Gorr but the final cut did not include much of him. The maker needed to show us more of his story, how he lost all the people he knew to starvation and a god that did not care, that way we could’ve connected with him more. There should’ve been more scenes showing how he killed the other gods, that way we would’ve felt his threat more. But it was he who was indeed butchered in the film.
Thor: Love and Thunder did not go far enough
The point of introducing Gorr was the concept of faith in the Gods. It should’ve caused conflict in the mind of Thor, Thor should’ve found out the reason why Gorr was on the mission of killing all Gods and should have done some retrospection on whether he really is the God people should look up to. Or do people even look up to him? This would have added more depth to the story that otherwise just felt hollow and a simple war against a killer who wants all Gods gone. Why? Thor finds out only in the end.