The third installment of the Deadpool series, starring Ryan Reynolds will be the first one set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. While the MCU has only produced PG-13 films to date, the Deadpool films are rated R due to their language, violence, and s*xual content. Deadpool made its debut in theaters in 2016 and amazed the world after years of dispute with Fox to finally make it happen.
However, one of the returning cast members of Deadpool 3 said that he is finding it so strict from Marvel’s end as the studio is very cautious in giving a complete storyline to its star cast. And, this actor in an interview spoke about the difference between this movie and the first two films.
Deadpool 3 Actor Speaks on the Difference
Fans started having concerns about how Disney standards might alter Deadpool‘s tone when Disney bought Fox and revealed that Ryan Reynolds’ Wade Wilson would join the franchise directed by Kevin Feige.
When speaking to Comic Book about reprising his role as Dopinder in Deadpool 3, actor Karan Soni admits,
“I have begun working on that one, so I can say that it is the same as the other two. It’s like hard R. There’s a lot of that stuff. So it does not feel different. The only thing that, for me, is different is that I have not gotten the script this time. The other two, we did get it; it’s a big difference, at least for me, the MCU part of it vs. the Fox/Marvel part of it. They’re so strict. So I’ve only seen glimpses of what I’m in.”
The Deadpool 3 cast and crew have made it clear time and time again that the movie will be just as violent and vulgar as its predecessors. For that reason, Deadpool 3 is anticipated to be the first R-rated movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Marvel Studios Keeps Actors in the Dark with Full Scripts
Marvel Studios’ propensity to wait until the very last minute before giving actors the whole script is one mysterious facet of the company’s filmmaking process. Since the launch of the MCU a decade ago, Marvel has earned a track record for going the extra mile to prevent spoilers, even withholding significant information from actors to prevent them from spilling.
Actor Karen Gillan, who plays Nebula in the MCU, once said in an appearance on the Shoot This Now podcast,
“We didn’t even get a script, there was no script. Just my scenes. I’d sometimes get them just in the morning, do them, and hand them back over at the end of the day. The directors would fill us in on everything that we needed in terms of context, but still, I don’t know what this movie’s about.”
By controlling access to the whole script, Marvel lessens the chance that crucial story points, character developments, or twists will be revealed in advance, maintaining the element of surprise for audiences worldwide.
Along with preventing leaks, keeping actors somewhat in the dark about the entire story enables the directors and writers to retain more control over the trajectory of the narrative. Without having to deal with potential resistance or leaks from the cast, the creative team can make last-minute changes, polish crucial plot elements, or introduce new twists to the story.
Secrecy creates interest and that enhances the appeal of the viewing experience which eventually turns out to be more profitable.
Deadpool 3, is slated to be released on May 3, 2024.
Source: The Direct