Kevin Bacon’s renowned acting career has spanned every genre, but the acclaimed star has always had a penchant for comedy deep down. This was evident early on when Bacon got kicked off a movie set for an unusual reason – laughing uncontrollably during another actor’s scene.
While filming the 1988 comedy She’s Having a Baby, Bacon found a co-star’s improvised monologue so hilarious he disrupted filming, forcing director John Hughes to temporarily send the young actor home.
Veteran Co-Star’s Comedy Too Much for Kevin Bacon
During the filming of She’s Having a Baby, Bacon struggled to keep a straight face in a scene featuring actor Bill Erwin. According to Kevin Bacon, Erwin improvised a side-splitting monologue that left him and crew members cracking up between takes.
But Bacon’s loud laughter and failed attempts to stay serious began ruining usable audio during filming. Director John Hughes soon reached his limit. Bacon recalled, “They were furious. I was eventually asked to go home because I couldn’t get through the scene without laughing.” Getting schooled by a veteran comedic performer like Erwin was simply too much for Bacon’s composure.
Bacon’s Unforgettable “Punishment”
For the young actor, getting kicked off set was hardly a punishment. “I got sent home and paid for not working. That was probably my best day in show business,” Bacon remarked jokingly.
The bizarre incident simply confirmed Bacon’s affinity for comedy and improv. Even early in his career, he struggled not to crack up when fellow performers riffed off-script. She’s Having a Baby proved Bacon had a funny bone waiting to be tapped into.
Decades later, the experience remains a highlight for Bacon. Getting paid to stay home because he laughed too much is a Hollywood moment the actor will likely never top. Though directors prefer their stars to stay serious on camera, Bacon’s infectious humor shined through.
Source: thedigitalfix