Renowned Hollywood filmmaker Quentin Tarantino is known for his remarkable work in the industry with the films like Pulp Fiction and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. While he is among the most prominent and talented filmmakers in the industry, he has also faced disappointment for specific projects that did not turn out to be as big as most of his work.
The 2007 action thriller Death Proof is considered one such film for his career. Tarantino talked about the 2007 movie and explained it was mostly misunderstood by the audience during an interview with Empire.
Quentin Tarantino Believes Death Proof Was Misunderstood
Quentin Tarantino’s 2007 film Death Proof starring Kurt Russell follows a stuntman who murders young women. Although the film received positive reviews, it was not able to make it big at the box office. The director opened up about its performance at the box office, saying that it was a “shock to [his] confidence.”
However, he later shared that the reason behind its failure could be that it was highly misunderstood. During an interview with Empire, he explained that the movie was a part of the double feature, Grindhouse, which also included Robert Rodriguez‘s 2007 horror comedy Planet Terror.
While Rodriguez believed that people were aware of the concept of double features, the Pulp Fiction director claimed, “No, they didn’t. At all.” He further stated, “They had no idea what the f*ck they were watching.” He said that the audience did not understand it, and it meant nothing to them.
Although he called Death Proof the worst movie of his career, he also stated that he is good if that’s the worst he could ever get. While the film failed to make it big at the box office at the time of its release, the audience has caught up to what the makers wanted to represent with the double feature.
Quentin Tarantino Admitted Death Proof is His Worst Movie
During The Hollywood Reporter’s directors roundtable, Quentin Tarantino talked about his 2007 film Death Proof as he discussed his retirement plans. He stated that “it’s all about my filmography,” and he wants his last project to be as terrific as his previous work.
Adding to it, he said, “Death Proof has got to be the worst movie I ever make.” It is also believed that the movie is not that bad but might come last when ranking the Kill Bill director’s work, and he does seem pleased with the thought as he said, “If that’s the worst I ever get, I’m good.” Tarantino is also firm on his decision to retire after his tenth film, The Movie Critic.
Death Proof is available on Prime Video.
The Movie Critic is expected to release in 2024.
Source: Empire