Disney recently released the trailer for the highly anticipated series Percy Jackson and the Olympians, starring Walker Scobell, Leah Sava Jeffries, and Aryan Simhadri in the lead. The series is a TV show adaptation of Rick Riordan’s popular book series after two movie adaptations. Fans have had high hopes for the series, considering the author has been associated with its production.
The trailer gives a comprehensive look at the show’s leading cast and the other actors featured in the series, including glimpses of Jessica Parker Kennedy as Medusa and Adam Copeland as Ares. And fans have been quick to point out the subpar CGI quality in the initial appearance of the WWE star in the Disney+ series.
First Look of Percy Jackson and the Olympians Released
Fans have been looking forward to the Disney adaptation of Percy Jackson and the Olympians, which is set to release several years after the last movie adaptation. The author of the fantasy novel series, who was pretty critical of the initial movie adaptations of the books, pitched the concept to the studio.
The series went into production last year, and the studio has recently given a sneak peek at the upcoming series along with its premiere date. The trailer provides the first look at its lead cast in the mythical world filled with gods, monsters, and magic.
While the show features a huge supporting cast alongside Walker Scobell, Leah Sava Jeffries, and Aryan Simhadri, the trailer also gives a brief look at Adam Copeland’s Ares and Jessica Parker Kennedy’s Medusa. However, it is set to feature a lot more characters, including Zeus, Hades, and numerous others.
Furthermore, the trailer also revealed that the upcoming series is set to debut on December 20, 2023 on Disney+. While fans are anticipating its release, they have also raised concerns that the series would also feature the same poor-quality CGI as in the trailer.
Fans Criticize Percy Jackson and the Olympians’ CGI
Many fans have pointed out that the series seems to be a faithful adaptation of the novel series, as it depicts the magical and mysterious atmosphere surrounding the story greatly. However, they have also pointed out some of the sequences that don’t seem as impressive as the rest of the trailer.
One such sequence also includes Edge taking the limelight as Ares, one of the important figures to star in the series. While fans have reacted positively to the WWE star’s Percy Jackson character, it seems like the CGI featured in his scene has taken the spotlight. The CGI used in the scene has been drawing massive criticism from fans, as they claim that the studio did not seem to have invested much in the series, especially its CGI.
Percy Jackson and the Olympians is set to premiere on December 20, 2023, on Disney+.
Read More: Disney+ Percy Jackson Series Author Rick Riordan Reveals They Have Finished Filming Half Of The Book
Source: Discussing Film