The Marvel Cinematic Universe is perhaps the most successful franchise ever, but Iron Man 2 was one of its lowest points. The sequel isn’t viewed as fondly as its first part.
Maybe it had too many subplots. While it’s not normal for MCU movies to have subplots, Iron Man 2 had too many, which didn’t contribute to Tony’s story or the MCU. It is also said that it is even okay to skip Iron Man 2. However, it introduced Natasha Romanov; so you must go through this if you want to see Black Widow get her start in the MCU.
Additionally, the movie is a good one to watch if you are a fan of Tony Stark, but Iron Man 2 is nothing more than a follow-up to Iron Man.
While there are too many problems with Iron Man 2, there’s one cast member who truly hated working with Marvel. Despite being the primary antagonist Whiplash, Mickey Rourke always slammed the studio.
Why Mickey Rourke Hate Working With Marvel?
Rourke has a history with the MCU, which wasn’t gratifying enough. The Oscar-nominated actor played the villain Ivan Vanko in 2010’s Iron Man 2 — Russian physicist and the son of the disgraced scientist Anton Vanko.
The film brought life to his career, which led to him being cast with Robert Downey Jr. in Iron Man 2. This should’ve been a great experience for him, but he has only criticized Marvel over the years, most notably during a 2014 appearance on Late Night with Seth Meyers.
During the interview, Rourke said he is “not a Marvel fan” and went on to suggest that they axed much of his performance from Iron Man 2 by saying “Once I did a film for Marvel and they cut the whole f**** thing out.”
Rourke compared it to his great experience with Sin City: A Dame To Kill For. He said that here the director didn’t “waste his time” shooting something that would never be seen.
Mickey Rourke Slammed Marvel Publicly in an Instagram Post
Mickey Rourke took to his Instagram page to share his thoughts on Law & Order: SVU while bashing the Marvel Cinematic Universe in the end.
Rourke expressed in the Instagram post that he had discovered SVU during the COVID-19 lockdown. He said that he’d watched “1000 of them” and took time to praise various cast members. Suddenly, at the end of his rant, Rourke threw a jab at Marvel because he still had an outage with Iron Man 2. Here’s some of what he had to say:
“What’s especially enjoying is watching commodity of this exceptional group of actors… I guess if it wasn’t this lockdown most likely i’d never see this show, but since I do all my lifting training in my living room my tv been on whole lockdown and I was able to discover this fabulous show. Respect to all of you, the work that you all do is real acting, not like that crap that all on Marvel s***.”
No doubt, Rourke spent three months visiting Russia, developing and practicing his accent, and developing ways to develop the character further and create an extra dimension.
He said that he wished director Favreau had displayed more authority on set and knew he doesn’t control the movie.
Source: The Things