Marvel Studios has recently been on a spree of creating and releasing some genre-bending superhero TV shows on the Disney+ platform. The expansion of the MCU after the end of Avengers: Endgame took place at an unprecedented rate. Loki’s multiversal shenanigans had opened up the fabrics of space-time, which lead to many universes colliding with each other to create a multiverse, further expanding the vast possibilities of everything. With all this happening in the background, we are familiarized with new characters and old ones through the TV series by Marvel Studios. One such new character that we got to know was someone that is not typically depicted as a superhero though.
On 30th March 2022, the first episode of Moon Knight aired on Disney+, and fans took a breath of fresh air to see something new from the collection of typical superhero tropes.
Since the last episode of the series was aired almost six months ago, fans have been eagerly waiting for an official announcement of the return of Moon Knight for a second season, and now, we just might have gotten one… Sort of.
Moon Knight Season 2 Could Be In Works!
Fans were eagerly waiting for some kind of confirmation from an official or even a reliable source, but seeing as the last episode of Moon Knight aired on 4th May 2022, they were starting to lose hope. But in a recent interview, Oscar Isaac, who plays Steven Grant/ Marc Spector in the series had recently given hope to the fans.
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While speaking with ComicBook, Isaac confirms that he was in talks with Marvel about reprising his role as Moon Knight. Though he keeps things hush-hush in typical Marvel fashion, his official confirmation that both parties are open to Moon Knight’s return is an exciting update for fans of the character.
“There have been some specific conversations. They were pleasant. The spilling of the details it that there are no details. We don’t know [if there will be a second season], but we’re talking about it. Truthfully, it’s about the story. Is there a story worth telling? Is it interesting? Will I feel embarrassed about it when it comes out? So it’s just about, is there something worth pouring everything you have into? And with Moon Knight, that was very much about that. It’s creating a structure so that every morning when the alarm went off, I couldn’t wait to get to the set because I wanted to try something different. Whether [Isaac’s Moon Knight returns] in a group thing or maybe a great idea comes around for a season two or if it’s a standalone film or whatever it could be, I think it’s just approaching it in that kind of way. It’s the story first.”
These statements are after the successful series run of the first season, where we were left at a cliffhanger in the last episode, and furthermore, as these series are interconnected to the larger universe of the MCU, we might also have a possibility to see Moon Knight in other series and even the big budget films.
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What Is Moon Knight?
Moon Knight, is a story about a man who is living two different lives, and at the same time, he suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder. The whole series shows him trying to deal with this problem while he is additionally caught in the midst of being pulled into a mystical world of ancient Egyptian Gods who want to resurrect themselves and rule over the world once more.
What makes this tale unique is the topic of mental health issues that Moon Knight tries to tackle, which is something that had never been done before by any superhero TV show or film. The ups and downs of living with your alter ego is something that has not given much thought until the series depicted it with remarkable accuracy.
That is why audiences from around the world are demanding a new season to elaborate more on the story that will unfold to even greater heights!
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Moon Knight, streaming exclusively on Disney+
Source: ScreenRant