The franchise first began in 1977 with Star Wars: A New Hope, becoming a cultural sensation that influenced art across the world, including the Japanese television series Dragon Ball Z. Star Wars also became a box office juggernaut with its future installments.
The franchise was renewed for more live-action movies with a new set of cast and directors. Despite a large amount of money poured into the sequels with a talented cast, the fan reception for movies only kept falling.
Reception of Star Wars: The Last Jedi
While dividing many fans, Last Jedi received the most hate and criticism among all the movies in the sequel trilogy. It also changed the directors, replacing J.J. Abrams for Rian Johnson, while also making significant changes to the storyline.
Some of the criticisms that stood out and were very common included the jarring change in tone and character motivations, as was set up by the previous director J.J. Abrams, subverting expectations for no reason and juggling with Rey’s backstory.
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The movie was also panned by fans for the portrayal of their favorite Jedi, Luke Skywalker, played by Mark Hamill. Showing him to be an old grouch who won’t teach Rey and avoid the resistance. This is very different from how the character was left off in episode 6, even Mark Hamill didn’t not like the choices.
Rian Johnson still defends Last Jedi
One man was blamed for the atrocity that was Last Jedi, and that was none other than the director of the film Rian Johnson. The director has continued to defend the movie since its release and did it again in an interview with Empire, he stated:
“I’m even more proud of it five years on… The ultimate intent was not to strip away – the intent was to get to the basic, fundamental power of myth. And ultimately I hope the film is an affirmation of the power of the myth of Star Wars in our lives.”
He also defended his movie’s portrayal of Luke Skywalker, stating that the character was not deconstructed, but his myth was built and embraced. He further stated that he wanted the character to strip away the myth to take what matters and inspire the next generation.
Source: Empire