With the latest Disney+ series, Moon Knight has officially joined the MCU, with Oscar Isaac assuming the role of the beloved Marvel superhero. For those living under a rock, Moon Knight or Marc Spector is a former mercenary-turned-superhero whom the ancient Egyptian god Khonshu brings back to life after dying, to serve as his champion. Spector suffers from dissociative identity disorder, and among his other non-costumed identities are a playboy and a cab driver. Moon Knight is a nocturnal character like Batman, but he exclusively wears white. Here is the truth behind his numerous white costumes:
Moon Knight: A Superhero or a Villain?
As Moon Knight, Marc Spector has fought a variety of villains and demons. He has confronted each challenge head-on regardless of what has blocked his path. Regrettably, the protagonist’s typical method of accomplishing this has left behind a lengthy list of people he has harmed, whether intentionally to or not. In a sequence from “A Hard Day’s Knight,” Marc was sitting quietly in a restaurant with representations of his different identities and the patron god Khonshu. The quartet shared their experiences about how they added to the blood stains on their white suits as the talk went on. Everyone in this room has a story to tell about defeating a different villain or something, but Marc’s is darker.
After having a grim epiphany, Marc started naming the victims he has wronged during his super-heroic journey. Marc Spector has killed or hurt a number of people over the years, including friends, relatives, supporters, and even lovers. Of fact, many times these people were killed by his enemies, but feels the guilt for that as well. He constantly focuses on how big of a part he played in their demise and how much suffering he will have to endure in order to atone for it.
Why Marc Spector only wears white:
The actual reason of his remarkable, distinctive appearance is all that was just mentioned above. The blood on Marc’s outfit performs the same function as his scars in serving as a remembrance of what he has done. Using this outfit, Marc has been causing himself additional emotional and mental damage in an effort to become even more motivated. The guy at the core of all these identities has always been tormented by remorse, regret, and a sense of self-loathing. Nevertheless, Marc has grown significantly as a person, even though he is still wearing white over white and hasn’t done anything to distance himself from his troubled past.
Related: ‘They Just Never Took Us Seriously’: How Disney Ridiculed Grant Morrison for Moon Knight Film Idea