The actor who played Glenn Rhee on The Walking Dead is preparing to join forces with the MCU. The 39-year-old actor Steven Yeun will soon be seen in a Thunderbolts film closing phase five for the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Yeun is a widely known figure especially because of his tenure in The Walking Dead. He has also been a part of some critically acclaimed films like Burning.
Yeun also starred in the Oscar-nominated film Minari which was representational of the American dream, dealing with failures and hardships immigrants have to face. Yeun will join Thunderbolts along with Florence Pugh, David Harbour, and Olga Kurylenko, The Falcon and the Winter Soldier‘s Sebastian Stan and Wyatt Russell, and Julia Louis-Dreyfus.
Steven Yeun confirms his role in MCU’s Thunderbolts
The character that Yeun is supposed to play is still shrouded in mystery but he will re-team with director Jake Schreier. Steven Yeun articulates about joining the MCU, he tells Empire,
“I don’t know if it was explicitly on my bucket list, It was more the story, getting to work with Jake Schreier again, who directed Beef, and what his intentions were. The intentions of the particular character that they wanted me to play were very clear, and that’s what drew me to the film.”
Marvel has always been very secretive about these plans and future films, it is no different with Thunderbolts as well. The story and screenplay remain a secret too however we will get to see a bunch of people unfit to be called a super-hero team coming together as one.
Steven Yeun talks about working with an Oscar-winning director
Steven Yeun has collaborated with Bong Joon Ho in Okja, he will collaborate once again on the follow-up to Parasite which is Mickey-17, Yeun will co-star with Hollywood’s heartthrob Robert Pattinson.
“I learn so much from him. There’s this camaraderie that he allows me to participate in with him that I appreciate. At the end of filming [Mickey 17], I remember turning to him as we shot my last scene, and I was like, ‘I learned a lot… and thank you.’” The results, he promises, will be special. “It was a killer set to be on.”
Steven Yeun will be seen in Beef, along with his upcoming role in Sipder-Man: Across the Sipder-Verse. An actor who has a wide range of acting abilities, and can go from sweet to sad to murderous in a matter of seconds; it will be very interesting to see what he brings to the table in Thunderbolts.
Mickey-17 will release on 9 March 2024.
Source: Empire