The Boys Season 3, helmed by Eric Kripke, took the world by storm. The series with its latest season has only gotten better, which, by the way, has always been a hard task for the creators. The satirical series on corrupt superheroes that has already created parody characters of some of the most popular superheroes like Superman and now Captain America, has won the hearts of the fans.
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The series creator, Eric Kripke shares his thoughts on the latest trends of the series streaming television.
Eric Kripke says creators have lost the ability to build suspense
The Boys showrunner, in an interview with Vulture, pointed out how the increasing popularity of streaming platforms made many filmmakers jump to create series for them. But they do not understand how to build suspense in a TV series. He said they adhere to the pacing of a film but that is not how shows should be created.
Here’s what he shared with the interviewer,
“The downside of streaming is that a lot of filmmakers who work in streaming didn’t necessarily come out of that network grind. They’re more comfortable with the idea that they could give you 10 hours where nothing happens until the eighth hour. That drives me f—ing nuts, personally.”
“As a network guy who had to get you people interested for 22 f—ing hours a year, I didn’t get the benefit of, ‘Oh, just hang in there and don’t worry. The critics will tell you that by Episode 8, shit really hits the fan.’ Or anyone who says, ‘Well, what I’m really making is a 10-hour movie.’ F—k you! No you’re not! Make a TV show. You’re in the entertainment business.”
Though the director did not take any names, there are a number of series that we can recall, that fit in the format that Eric Kripke seems to hate.
Eric Kripke doesn’t want to return to Network TV
The creator, before working on The Boys, worked on the fan-favorite series, Supernatural. It ran for 15 seasons over 15 years and has 327 episodes in total. The show was aired on CW in the one-episode-per-week format. The show starred Jensen Ackles and Jared Padalecki as Dean and Sam Winchesters, brothers who hunted demons.
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Despite his success as a network TV creator, Kripke wants to stick to streaming services now. The reason he gave is “logistical benefits.” He says that streaming allows the makers to create coherent stories and one can even remove or add anything along the way.
The Boys Season 3 is streaming on Amazon Prime Video.
Source: Vulture