It’s been three years since CBS concluded the popular sitcom The Big Bang Theory. The show finally got a conclusion after 279 episodes over 12 seasons of the show. The last episode of the show was titled The Stockholm Syndrome. One of the creators, Bill Prady, described the final episode as the most beautiful and satisfying episode. However, one of the creators recently said that the ending is close to perfect. Bill Prady also said that it is hard for him to imagine what will happen in the final. Season of the show.
The creators also shared why they are hesitant about its revival. And why they have not considered a reunion of the cast yet. Despite all this, Prady admitted he would love to see the show back on, but he can’t think of how he would do that.
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Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre Discuss The Big Band Theory Revival
The Big Bang Theory first appeared on CBS in 2007 and aired for 12 seasons. The show celebrated its 15th anniversary this year. On this occasion, creators of the show Chuck Lorre and Bill Prady talked about the possible revival of The Big Bang Theory with Entertainment Weekly.
Prady shared how he really wants to bring the show back, but he can’t think of how to do that. He said, “But, personally, would l like to go to Stage 25 and see that set and those costumes and those people? Yeah, I get choked up just thinking about it. But I don’t know how we’d do that.”
They also discussed some ideas they had in mind for their characters, especially about how they would spend the pandemic.
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Sheldon Cooper Would Have Loved The Pandemic
Talking about its revival, Bill Prady and Chuch Lorre shared how Sheldon Cooper would have loved the pandemic. They said Sheldon would have loved a world where he did not have to go out and meet with people. They also said that they could imagine Bernadette and Sheldon arguing about their knowledge.
“We would have done two seasons with Sheldon in a hazmat suit,” Chuck Lorre said jokingly.
Jim Parsons, the actor who played Sheldon Cooper on The Big Bang Theory, has also speculated that Sheldon would have thrived during the quarantine cause Sheldon is built for such a scenario. However, fans may never get to see these characters back on screen again anytime soon.
Bill Prady and Chuck Lorre have straight up denied its revival. The Big Bang Theory followed four socially awkward and nerdy scientists and their neighbor Penny. The series has been off-air for three years, and this might not be long enough to have a reunion.
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Kaley Cuoco earlier shared her thoughts on the reunion of The Big Bang Theory. In her interview with Variety Cuoco said after watching the Friends Reunion, she would love to have something similar for The Big Bang Theory as well. She said, “I would love to do that one day. I would love to do that with our show.”
Cuoco’s Co-star Mayim Bialik has also expressed a similar interest. Although the actor also admitted that it would be too soon to have a reunion for the show.
For now, there is no confirmation of the reunion or revival of the show. But considering creators are open to the idea, one can hope for the best.
The Big Bang Theory is available to stream on HBO Max.
Source: CBR