After months of setback due to the ongoing CoVID-19 pandemic, The Batman had to halt its filming for the most part of this year. Despite limited filming, the first trailer of Matt Reeves’ The Batman left fans awestruck when it was released in the DC Fandome event. As the movie is set to explore uncharted territories of the neo-noir detective genre infused with the mythos of Batman, Matt Reeves might have planned another big reveal for us.
In early September, The Batman was set to resume its filming. Unfortunately, lead actor Robert Pattinson tested positive for CoVID-19, which further pushed back the schedule. However, the emergence of recent set photos of The Batman has affirmed that the movie is right on track.
In the DC Fandome event, director Andy Muschietti revealed that The Flash will explore the DC multiverse, making every intellectual live-action property of DC canon. When questioned about Robert Pattinson’s Batman, DC Films President Walter Hamada confirmed that the movie is set in a different universe than the main DCEU continuity.
Related: The Batman: Why the New Batmobile is Way Better Than Dark Knight’s Tumbler
However, a recent set photo posted by a user named Yassine hints that The Batman might be connected to the larger DC mythos after all. In the leaked photo, the Man of Steel is confirmed to exist in some way in Matt Reeves’ upcoming movie. The photo reveals a man dressed in a Superman costume, resembling the classic costume donned by the late Christopher Reeves.
Though surprising, it is yet to be revealed how The Batman is connected to the larger DC universe. As filming has begun in London, the extra donning the Man of Steel costume has opened a Pandora’s Box.
As the movie is set in a different universe, are there two different Supermen existing in the DCEU, apart from all the iterations from Smallville, Arrowverse, and Supergirl? If there does exist a Superman, will Robert Pattinson’s Batman make any contact with the Kryptonian? Furthermore, what if this is just a simple nod at the presence of Superman instead of actually showing one in flesh?
Since The Batman will explore the formative years of the Dark Knight, the existence of Superman is definitely an interesting revelation. After the explosive first trailer, we can hardly wait for what the movie brings to the table.
The Batman is set to release on March 4th, 2022.
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