Actress-director Olivia Wilde and Oppenheimer star Florence Pugh worked together in the film, Don’t Worry Darling. The film also featured ace singer and actor, Harry Styles, and was directed by Olivia Wilde with a screenplay by Katie Silberman. The psychological thriller may have not done well at the box office, but it proved to be somewhat fruitful for the personal lives of Wilde and Styles. As love bloomed between the two stars, it apparently hurt the film shoot.
An insider revealed that the actress Florence Pugh had to direct parts of the film when Wilde and Styles would go missing from the sets.
Florence Pugh lost her cool when Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles went missing
Olivia Wilde and Harry Styles found love on the sets of their film Don’t Worry Darling. Rumors were floating around that the new couple would often disappear from the sets. It led to a troubled production of her film. It is reported there were numerous occasions when the actress, Pugh had to direct parts of the film.
However, sources revealed on World of Reel that Pugh did not direct the film alone. She and the Director of Photography, Matthew Libatique, jointly directed some parts of the film.
The source shared,
“On the days Wilde disappeared, Florence [Pugh] and Matthew [Libatique] were in charge, but I’d say it was more Matthew who kept the shoot rolling. They couldn’t afford to have the movie shut down, so he tried to follow Olivia’s vision as much as he could. Once Olivia got back on set, as if nothing had happened, that’s when Pugh lost it on her.”
There is no confirmed news about the actress getting upset on the sets.
Florence Pugh and Olivia Wilde fought during filming
A few weeks before the release of Wilde’s film, there were rumors about alleged disagreements on the film set. There were reports that Wilde got into a screaming match with the lead actress Florence Pugh. Numerous crew members confirmed the alleged confrontation.
As per the sources, the screaming match was due to Pugh’s frustration with Olivia Wilde’s conduct on set. Apparently, Pugh was affected by Wilde’s disappearance from sets with boyfriend Harry Styles.
Later producer Miri Yoon penned an address in which she shot down the absurd gossip that’s been going around. She also shared positive thoughts about the director. Yoon stated,
“As a crew, we’ve avoided addressing the absurd gossip surrounding the movie we’re so proud of, but feel the need to correct the anonymous ‘sources’ quoted in a recent article. Any allegations about unprofessional behavior on the set of Don’t Worry Darling are completely false. Olivia is an incredible leader and director who was present with and involved in every aspect of production. She ran this set with class and respect for everyone involved. There was never a screaming match between our director and anyone, let alone a member of our cast.”
The film Don’t Worry Darling was released in 2022 and grossed $87 million worldwide.
Source- Cinema Blend