Pedro Pascal stars as the titular character in the Star Wars television series, The Mandalorian. While the series was quite a hit, one character stole the screen from The Last of Us actor, baby Yoda. After the series started to air, the internet started to obsess over this character over how cute he was.
Despite his cuteness, however, the production team had one important task to deal with during the filming process. They had to keep his existence in the show a secret, to keep it a surprise for the audiences. While this was not a problem for the majority of the cast and crew, some particular people were a point of concern for Spider-Man actress, Bryce Dallas Howard as well as cinematographer Greig Fraser.
Bryce Dallas Howard Had To Hide Things From Her Children While Filming Pedro Pascal’s Mandalorian
Bryce Dallas Howard revealed that one of the biggest topics of concern for the production team of The Mandalorian was to make sure children who were on set could keep Pedro Pascal’s sidekick, baby Yoda’s appearance a secret. As Baby is quite cute, it was expected that children couldn’t help themselves but tell people about it so, Howard took extra precautions to make sure her kids, who were involved in the series as well, would not accidentally tell anyone about the Yoda doll.
“The thing that was terrifying was the notion of having children on a set, and what was gonna happen with kids seeing Baby,” she mentioned, “All the kids that were on set, I had conversations with each one of them, just about keeping Baby a secret,” she added, “And they were all just so great. But my kids, every single day when they were going back to school, before school, I would say, ‘Who do we not talk about today?’ And they would be like, ‘Baby!’ “It was amazing to get to see my kids on a Star Wars set, just having the time of their life,”
The actress mentioned that she had a conversation about this with every child present on set. She even talked about how she had to prepare her own kids about this by constantly reminding them not to talk about this character. She also added that they had a lot of fun being on the set of the series.
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Greig Fraser Did Not Tell His Children About Baby Yoda While Filming Pedro Pascal’s Mandalorian
While Bryce Dallas Howard chose to tell her children about baby Yoda, cinematographer, Greig Fraser had a different approach. He chose, instead, to hide Baby’s existence from his children as he was quite sure that they would not be able to keep this character a secret.
“I had to deliberately tell my wife to wait 10 minutes until The Child (Baby Yoda) was put away or covered up. I couldn’t tell my children not to talk about The Child, they wouldn’t listen to me for a start,” said Fraser.
In order to make sure that his kids didn’t have a secret to keep, whenever they would visit the set of Pedro Pascal’s Mandalorian, Baby Yoda’s doll was either hidden or covered up.
Source: Insider