Sylvester Stallone, renowned for his iconic Rocky franchise, has not only captured audiences with his acting skills but has also had an eventful romantic history. Among his past relationships, one noteworthy affair was with the well-known model Janice Dickinson. It’s worth mentioning that she is among the many individuals who have accused Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct. In the past, Janice Dickinson openly discussed her time with Stallone, praising his prowess as a lover, and hinting at some exciting details.
According to reports, Dickinson and Stallone were engaged for approximately six months, during which they enjoyed a lively and adventurous relationship. She led a vibrant life, and when she welcomed her daughter Savannah into the world, she decided to undergo a paternity test to determine Stallone’s possible fatherhood. However, the DNA results revealed that he was not the father, a fact that seemingly brought her a sense of relief for some undisclosed reason.
Sylvester Stallone Used To Fire His Gun In The Backyard After S*X
Janice Dickinson, who has joined the ranks of individuals accusing Bill Cosby of sexual misconduct, openly discussed her past relationship with Sylvester Stallone. According to reports, Dickinson and Stallone were engaged for about six months and had an adventurous time together. Dickinson led a vibrant lifestyle, and when she had her daughter Savannah, a paternity test was conducted to determine Stallone’s possible fatherhood. Surprisingly, the DNA reports revealed that he was not the father, which seemingly brought her a sense of relief for undisclosed reasons.
In an interview with The Sun, Janice Dickinson provided some intimate insights into her relationship with Stallone. She described him as a great lover but also acknowledged some peculiarities. Dickinson, who claimed to have been intimate with over a thousand men and women, including Stallone’s Rocky IV co-star Dolph Lundgren, shared details about their sex life.
She mentioned an instance where Stallone dressed up as an army officer for a sexual encounter and frequently discharged his firearm in the backyard, which she found peculiar.
According to a report in Daily Star, Janice Dickinson openly shared details about her passionate relationship with Sylvester Stallone, describing it as quite raunchy. She expressed,
“That was like an animal-primate stuff-with him.”
She also admitted that if given the opportunity, she would willingly engage in another intimate encounter with the Rambo actor. When asked about it, she enthusiastically stated, “Yes. We had fun. We laughed and had fun. He was fun.”
Undoubtedly, Stallone’s life has been filled with vibrant experiences, just like his iconic character Rambo.
Also, a fun fact about Dickinson is that she said she has slept with over 1,000 men and women, including Mick Jagger, Grace Jones, and Dolph Lundgren. Now that’s quite a rap sheet!
Source: Digital Spy