Kōhei Horikoshi is the mind behind the globally popular manga series My Hero Academia. This superhero manga was first presented in the pages of Shonen Jump back in 2014, and the audiences were really thrilled. In 2018, this series sold over 13 million copies worldwide and became one of the most popular manga series at that time. It was also adapted into anime, and fans have been graced with the 6th season recently.
Horikoshi was a massive enthusiast of North American comics himself. He made his appearance in the San Diego Comic-con as a professional mangaka. The crowd’s reaction left him overwhelmed. He was also interviewed by Anime News Network. He was asked several questions as he expressed surprise about a side character being more popular than Bakugou.
What did the creator of My Hero Academia, Kohei Horikoshi say in his interview with ANN?
Anime News Network interviewed the creator of My Hero Academia, Kohei Horikoshi. He was asked several questions regarding the plot and where he got his inspiration from.
As the conversation proceeded, ANN asked him, “Is it more fun to create female characters or male characters?”
He replied, “I don’t really think about it that way. First and foremost I care about their personalities. The storytelling part – when I’m actually drawing it, illustrating the female characters is more fun.”
Horikoshi made several endearing side characters throughout the My Hero Academia series. He was expecting Bakugou to be the most popular side character but the fan’s reaction got him stunned as well.
ANN asked him, “Is there a character that you’ve created that fans reacted to in a way you didn’t expect?” To which he replied, “Bakugo has been a bit of a surprise. I assumed everyone would hate him, but it’s been the opposite. In the character questionnaires we do, Bakugo comes in #1 most popular.”
Why do you think that is? ANN asked him further, to which he explained the reason for his opinion, “Bakugo has always been the bully, and he ends up going to school with Deku. So I had them in a big fight pretty early on, but through that fight you were able to see Bakugo’s humanity, that he was just a short-tempered kid.”
“I was surprised at how many people loved Deku’s mom.” ANN was surprised to know that Deku’s mother is quite popular among the fans, to which even the Mangaka agreed, “That was also a surprise to me!”
Being a supporting character who doesn’t have much screen time compared to other heroes, being as popular as if not more than, Bakugou was surely surprising.
Why is Deku’s mother such an adored character in My Hero Academia?
Deku’s mother is known just for being the mother of the protagonist throughout the My Hero Academia series. She isn’t a hero like others, but fans greatly love her. Inko Midoriya is the mother of Deku. Even though fans love her when she is on the screen, some forget about her existence as soon as she exits the scene.
However, there are many reasons why she is so adored by the audience. Inko might have a bit of anxiety and overreactions, but she is a bright woman. Her quirk isn’t something extravagant to remember. She can pull small items and objects towards herself. Being a rather creative and talented person, she proved her qualities by making Deku’s original hero costume from a simple drawing. She is one of the major driving forces for Deku to grow and become the strongest hero.
Source: ANN