Introduced in the second installment of the adaptation of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter series, Gilderoy Lockhart is a boastful and comedic character played by Kenneth Branagh. However, before the producers gave the role to Branagh, it was offered to Alan Cumming to play the role but due to misunderstandings, the actor not only turned down an opportunity to play the role and told the producers to get lost.
Harry Potter series was an instant hit when it was first released in theatres, the movie series quickly amassed a huge fan following with the help of its story and a stellar cast which includes names like Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson, Helena Bonham Carter, and many more. While actors like Kenneth Branagh played a memorable role in just one film, fans equally love the self-promoting character.
Harry Potter Producers Tried to Hire Alan Cumming for an Undervalued Salary
Over the years, Alan Cumming has made a name for himself as a successful actor by working in numerous films, but his performance in Cabaret earned him critical praise, and fans loved how he could play both dramatic and comedic roles with ease. As a result, he was short-listed along with Rupert Everett for the role of Gilderoy Lockhart.
When The Traitors actor gave an exclusive interview to The Telegraph, he shared his audition experience for the role of Gilderoy Lockhart in Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets. The actor shared how the producers made him and Rupert Everett do a screen test, the producers wanted to hire Cumming for the role but they lied to him about his salary. He explained, that Everett and he had the same manager, who told him about the difference in payment for the role. Furious for lying to the actor, he not only turned down the role but also told them to “f**k right off!”
“I didn’t turn it down…I told them to f— off! They wanted me and Rupert Everett to do a screen test, and they said they couldn’t pay me more than a certain sum, they just didn’t have any more money in the budget. And I had the same agent as Rupert, who of course they were going to pay more.”
After the Any Day Now actor told the producers what they can do with the role, he was sure that Rupert Everett would play the role. But in the end, someone else played the role.
Kenneth Branagh Bags The Role of Gilderoy Lockhart in The Harry Potter Sequel
Alan Cumming shared how the producers of the sequel were lying to him, the actor thought that the role will go to Everett, but in an odd twist of faith, Kenneth Branagh came out from the shadows and grabbed the role.
“Blatantly lying, stupidly lying, as well. Like, if you’re going to lie, be clever about it. I said, tell them to f— right off. And thought, well Rupert’s going to get the part. They made him screen test, and I remember he brought his own wig. And then they f—ing gave it to Kenneth Branagh, came out of the shadows.”
Since Cumming’s comic timing is perfect, it is quite unfortunate for the actor to not miss out on the role of the peculiar character. As we know, Branagh played the role but it is quite intriguing to think, how Alan Cumming would have played the role of Lockhart.
Harry Potter and The Chamber of Secrets can be streamed on HBO Max.
Source: The Telegraph