“Why don’t you reread the f—king thing”: Men In Black Star Was Almost Forced To Accept Iconic Batman Villain Role After Initially Being Confused
“If your mouth hangs open like that, you are stupid”: Harrison Ford’s Blunt Advice To Jane Lynch In A Hit Movie That Earned Her $8000
One of the Most Hated DC Movies Gave The Flash Actor George Clooney’s Villainous Co-Star a Heart-Wrecking Ending: $336M Movie Finally Gets Closure
“They’re always biting or scratching”: Clint Eastwood Put Himself and Batman Star in Extreme Pain to Prepare for His $128M Movie That Became Unbearable for Everyone
“I told Chris that I wasn’t a very good director”: Steven Spielberg Tricked Another Actor Into Quitting Will Smith’s Role In Men in Black
“He’s not a dumb guy”: Harrison Ford’s ‘The Fugitive’ Director Shut Down Reporter Who Accused the Star Wars Actor of Having No Range
“Guys, get us out of here! Get us out!”: Will Smith Begged Production Crew to Stop Filming One ‘Men in Black’ Scene to Avoid Being Humiliated by Co-Star Tommy Lee Jones
“I’m a sucker for that stuff”: ‘Magnolia’ Director ‘Cried His Eyes Out’ Watching Will Smith’s $654M Movie For The Weirdest Reason Ever
“He saw it over the weekend”: Steven Seagal’s Best Movie Helped Harrison Ford Make His $353M Oscar Nominated Film
Will Smith “Didn’t want to make 2 movies back to back” Until Steven Spielberg Made Him Say Yes to $1.94B Franchise
“Tell me why you don’t want to make my movie”: Will Smith Felt Like a Joker After Steven Spielberg Flew Him in a Helicopter After His ‘Men in Black’ Rejection