Max Payne 4: Remedy Needs More Than Just Bullet Time to Revive Hard-Boiled Detective Game That Will Revolutionize the Genre Yet Again
“We are still drawing from that idea”: Alan Wake 2 Took Major Inspiration from $272M Anthony Hopkins Movie That Set an Oscar Record
Alan Wake 2 Trailer Reveal at Gamescom 2023: Trippy Nightmare With Not 1 But 2 Protagonists – Did Microsoft Shoot Itself in the Foot by Giving Away Xbox Exclusive Rights?
Alan Wake 2 Inspired by the King of Survival Horror, Resident Evil, to Ensure Max Vulnerability and Horror for Players
“Nightmares exist outside of logic…”: Stephen King’s Generosity Is to Thank for Iconic Alan Wake Quote
“Nothing is Missable”: Alan Wake 2’s Separate Stories Confirmed to be Played Individually or Interconnected