“We’ll build out the JSA”: Dwayne Johnson Hints Justice Society Will Replace Justice League in Future DCU Movies
James Gunn Teases DC’s Third Most Intelligent Superhero and Batman’s Rival in Another Cryptic Tweet as Fans Demand Separate JSA Movie After Black Adam
Mr. Terrific, Hourman Reportedly Newest Additions To JSA as DCU Pushes Past Justice League For Future Movies
“I would like to see just a full JSA movie”: Black Adam Editor Mike Sale Wants a Watchmen Style Justice Society Spinoff Movie
“She brings a lot of credibility to the JSA”: Black Adam Editor Teases Amanda Waller’s Enormous Role, Hints She Will Have Major Role in Future Movies
‘Would’ve been better as a JSA movie with Black Adam as villain’: DC Fans Divided Over JSA Not Getting Enough Screentime in Dwayne Johnson Movie
‘A Doctor Fate movie needs to be made’: Mortal Kombat Creator Ed Boon Joins the Pierce Brosnan Bandwagon, Demands DC Make a Solo Doctor Fate Film
‘We want a JSA movie’: Black Adam’s Justice Society Stupefies DC Fans as They Demand New JSA Movie Over Justice League 2
“It’s mind-boggling how he’s never been brought to the big screen”: The Rock Disses WB Yet Again as Pierce Brosnan’s Doctor Fate Wins Hearts in Black Adam