Greta Gerwig Claims the Middle Ground in Zack Snyder’s Justice League Controversy, Says “I don’t have a dog in this fight” Despite Using It as a Joke
After Henry Cavill, James Gunn Replaces Entire Justice League With a More Hard Edged, Violent Version in ‘Superman: Legacy’
Is Green Lantern Coming to Justice League? James Gunn Reportedly Cancels John Stewart’s Green Lantern Series For a ‘Bigger’ Lantern Project
Zack Snyder Reportedly Gave David Ayer Ideas to Align His Suicide Squad Director’s Cut to Become Coherent With The Larger DCEU
‘I knew she was pregnant’: Henry Cavill Revealed Both Him and Jason Momoa Knew Gal Gadot Was Hiding Her Pregnancy During Justice League
‘See The Snyder Cut’: Avengers: Endgame Directors Joe and Anthony Russo Acknowledge Zack Snyder’s Justice League, Call it the Definitive DC Movie