“Are they making a serial killer universe now?”: Netflix Reportedly Expanding Monster Franchise After Jeffrey Dahmer Success Despite Causing Severe Trauma to Real-Life Victims
‘Not a single person responded’: Dahmer Series Faces Insane Backlash After They Contacted Family Members of Serial Killer’s Victims, Made Them Relive Those Dreadful Moments
Jeffrey Dahmer Halloween Costumes Became So Popular That eBay Personally Banned Them To Stop People From Dressing Up as a Real Life Serial Killer
“Are people really taking pride in not watching a show?”: Netflix’s Jeffrey Dahmer Show Gets Support From Fans After Becoming Second Most Watched Series, Claim Show Didn’t Glorify Serial Killer
“Everyone that contributed to this is going to hell”: Fans STUNNED as Dahmer Series Becomes Netflix’s Second Biggest English Show Ever!
”Will Smith’s Oscars slap traumatized y’all but you watched Dahmer Series multiple times?”: Will Smith Fans Cry Hypocrisy, Claim Hollywood Was Unfair To Him
‘People’s obsession with serial killers is so weird’: Buyers Line Up to Buy Milwaukee Monster Jeffrey Dahmer’s Prison Glasses For Whopping $150K After Success of Netflix Series