“I’m calling my agent… I quit!”: Star Wars Actor Threatened to Quit Sylvester Stallone’s $300M Movie After Being Physically Assaulted to Get Real Effects
“I’m calling my agent… I quit!”: Sylvester Stallone’s Co-star Threatened To Quit Rocky IV, Didn’t Want To End Up in the ICU For 8 Days Like Sly
“Sly wanted to beat the hell out of me”: Pedro Pascal’s The Mandalorian Co-Star Humiliated Sylvester Stallone, Said He Isn’t A ‘Real Actor’
“This idiot, who is he?”: Sylvester Stallone Was Enraged When ‘Rocky’ Co-Star Demolished His $400 Million Career Without Even Flinching
“This idiot, who’s he?”: Sylvester Stallone Was Enraged When ‘Rocky’ Co-Star Demolished His $400 Million Career Without Even Flinching
“He got a little scared of me”: Dolph Lundgren’s Ultra-Aggression Made Star Wars Actor Almost Leave $300M Sylvester Stallone Cult-Classic
250 lbs 6 ft 5 in DCU Giant Punched Sylvester Stallone So Hard His Heart Swole, Almost Killed Him: “I must break you”
“It was foolish”: Sylvester Stallone Regretted Killing Carl Weathers’ Apollo Creed Character After Humiliating Him for Being Too Greedy
“Whatever happened to loyalty?”: Before Calling Bruce Willis Greedy, Sylvester Stallone Removed Rocky Co-Star for Asking Too Much Money