“I’ll apologize when hell freezes over”: Mel Gibson Broke Friendship With Heath Ledger After The Dark Knight Star Accepted $178M Movie Against His Wishes
“I just inherently had no prejudice”: Jake Gyllenhaal Joined Marvel Director’s $178M Movie For A Deeply Personal Reason That Was Rejected By Matt Damon To Save His Stellar Reputation
“It was definitely a movie that needed to be made”: Marvel Director Risked His Career With $178M Movie by Revolting Against ‘Ultra-Masculine’ Genre Defined by Clint Eastwood That Landed 8 Oscar Nominations
“I knew I had to learn to ride”: Anne Hathaway Was Left Embarrassed Infront of Crew After Following Her Parents’ Advice for $178M Movie With Heath Ledger
Mark Wahlberg Missed Out on an Oscar as He “Got a little creeped out” Snuggling Up With DC Star in $178M Movie
“The spitting on the hand, getting ready to do the thing”: Mark Wahlberg Was Creeped Out By Graphic Moments in Oscar Winning Movie ‘Brokeback Mountain’
“Heath refused..It’s not a joke to me”: Heath Ledger Was Not Happy After Oscars Wanted to Make Fun of ‘Brokeback Mountain’
“He didn’t think I was good enough for the part”: Mark Wahlberg Reveals Ang Lee Never Considered Him For Brokeback Mountain After Initially Claiming He Was ‘Creeped Out’ By the Intimacy, Was Scared of His Own Insecurities