“That was too much?”: Gerard Butler Became Insecure After Screaming “This is Sparta” in 300, Seeked Zack Snyder’s Assurance
Before Henry Cavill’s Man of Steel, WB Was So Pleased With Zack Snyder’s 2006 Movie They Gifted Him a $350K Aston Martin Vanquish
“They’re not huge fans of mine”: Zack Snyder Wants to Make ‘Religious P-rno’ After WB Turned Down His 300 Trilogy Depicting an Untold Gay Romance
“They’re not huge fans of mine”: Zack Snyder Reveals WB Rejected His Epic Alexander the Great Movie to Conclude 300 Series Depicting Gay Love Story
‘Auditioning for Bond took all my focus’: Henry Cavill Refused Lead Role in Zack Snyder’s 300 Because He Was Competing With Daniel Craig for James Bond in Casino Royale
‘Imagine a dark, 300-style World War Hulk movie’: Internet Wants Zack Snyder’s MCU Debut With Rumoured World War Hulk Project in What Could Be the Darkest Marvel Movie Yet
‘Will he restore the Snyderverse?’: Former Walt Disney CCO Alan Horn Joins Warner Bros. Discovery, Fans Hopeful Zack Snyder Will Return For Their Friendship