Known for starring alongside Sylvester Stallone in Rocky and The Expendables franchise, Swedish actor and martial artist Dolph Lundgren recently opened up about facing critical medical conditions. He also talked about his future projects during an interview with the Swedish outlet Aftonbladet. And his recent interview has brought in some interesting news for the fans of Netflix’s fantasy drama, The Witcher.
The show has been in conversation since the lead star of the fantasy drama Henry Cavill announced his departure from the series. He will reprise his role as Geralt of Rivia for the last time in the upcoming third season of the show, which is set to release in two volumes.
Dolph Lundgren is Allegedly Joining Netflix’s The Witcher
Talking about his cancer treatment during his recent interview, Dolph Lundgren shared with Aftonbladet that he has been feeling better and has even got back to work on his future projects. He also said that he has been filming a Netflix series called The Witcher in South Africa.
Based on the Universal Soldier actor’s statement, it is speculated that he could feature in a spinoff series of the Netflix show, following a group of thieves who are expected to make their debut in the third season of The Witcher.
The makers or the streaming giant have not made any official announcement yet. And assumptions are made based on the fact that Season 3 would follow the events of the third book in The Witcher series, Time of Contempt, that introduces the Rats.
Lundgren’s alleged role in the series is still undisclosed and it is also unclear if he would make his debut in The Witcher season 3 or would join the franchise with the spin-off. The spin-off is expected to be a prequel to the Netflix series and would tell the tale of how young criminals formed a gang and started stealing from others.
Dolph Lundgren Opens Up About Suffering From Cancer
During his interview, Dolph Lundgren also shared his struggles with cancer. He shared that he has been diagnosed with lung cancer and has been fighting the disease for eight years. The Punisher actor shared that he has had six tumors removed and everything was okay after his surgery in 2015.
However, in 2020, doctors told him he only had two to three years to live after they discovered new tumors. After this he started the treatment for cancer in Los Angeles, only to find out that it was the wrong treatment. Lundgren continued working and starred in the DC film Aquaman and also completed filming for The Expendables 4.
He also shared that he got a “second opinion” from another doctor and now feels much better than he has in the last five years. The Joshua Tree star shared that the past few years of his life have made him realize family and friends’ importance and he feels “happier” and “focused” than before.
The Witcher Season 3 Vol. 1 is set to release on June 29, and Vol. 2 is set to release on July 27, 2023.
Source: Aftonbladet